Graduation Show 2016: Fuzzy Logic

17 - 25 June Rotterdam

Each year the graduating artists and designers of the Media Design & Communication Department Piet Zwart Institute celebrate their graduation by creating an event: an exhibition, lectures, publications and performances to represent as fully as possible the diverse range of practices encompassed by the practice-based research undertaken in the department.

This year's show is entitled Fuzzy Logic: it features work by Lucas Battich [AR], Manetta Berends [NL], Julie Boschat Thorez [FR], Cihad Caner [TR], Joana Chicau [PT], Cristina Cochior [RO], Solange Frankort [NL], Arantxa Gonlag [NL], Anne Lamb [US], Benjamin Li [NL], Yuzhen Tang [CN], Ruben van de Ven [NL] and Thomas Walskaar [NO]

Fuzzy Logic: Media Design and Communication MA 2016 Graduation Show

The exhibition is divided across two locations, within a 5 minute walk from each other:
- V2_ Institute For The Unstable Media, Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012 XL, Rotterdam
- Piet Zwart Institute, Mauritsstraat 36, 3012 CJ, Rotterdam

The Opening Event will be on Friday, 17 June:
- 19:00–20:30 at V2_
- 21:00 – 22:30 at the Piet Zwart Institute
continuing until Sunday, 26 June, open in both venues Tuesday - Sunday: 12:00 - 17:00

The Piet Zwart Institute houses the international Master programmes of the Willem de Kooning Academy at Hogeschool Rotterdam. Since 1999 it has been dedicated to promoting study and research in the fields of art, design and art education.

Master Media Design & Communication

The Piet Zwart Institute Master Media Design & Communication is a research orientated master programme, with a strong emphasis on the connection between practice and theory. The course focused on practice-led research through project-based work will equip you to create a distinctive voice as an artist/designer in the contemporary media landscape.

The course is a two-year, full-time, international, English-language study programme. It comprises six study trimesters. The first three include thematic seminars, technical sessions and a reading, writing and research methodologies seminar to support your developing research path. The last three are focused on your individual graduation project with tailored tutorial support.

This academic year we are establishing two new specialist study paths to allow students to intensively engage with a particular aspect of the contemporary media landscape: lens-based and experimental publishing.