#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import urllib2, json, pprint, re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import subprocess, shlex, urllib from urlparse import urlparse from mwclient import Site sid = '1234' useragent = "Mozilla/5.001 (windows; U; NT4.0; en-US; rv:1.0) Gecko/25250101" endpoint = "http://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mw-mediadesign/api.php?format=json&" site = Site("pzwiki.wdka.nl", path="/mw-mediadesign/") # API MODULES def api_request(action, pagename): #get page: content, metadata, images, imageifnp pagename = urllib.quote(pagename.encode('utf-8')) # print pagename url = endpoint + (action.format(pagename)) # print 'API REQUEST', url request = urllib2.urlopen(url) jsonp = json.loads(request.read() ) json_dic= (jsonp.get('query').get('pages')) # pprint.pprint( json_dic ) page_id = json_dic.keys()[0] page_content = json_dic.get(page_id) return page_content ############################## # CATEGORIES, PAGES AND IMAGES ############################## def mw_page_text(site, page): page = site.Pages[page] text = page.text() return text def mw_cats(site, args): last_names = None for cats in args.category: for ci, cname in enumerate(cats): cat = site.Categories[cname] pages = list(cat.members()) # for p in pages: # pages_by_name[p.name] = p if last_names == None: results = pages else: results = [p for p in pages if p.name in last_names] last_names = set([p.name for p in pages]) results = list(results) return [p.name for p in results] def mw_singelimg_url(site, img): #find full of an img if 'File:' not in img: img = 'File:'+img img_page=site.Pages[img] img_url = (img_page.imageinfo)['url'] return img_url def mw_imgsurl(site, page): #all the imgs in a page #return: list of tuples (img.name, img.fullurl) page = site.Pages[page] imgs = page.images() imgs = list(imgs) urls = [((img.name),(img.imageinfo)['url']) for img in imgs] return urls # PROCESSING MODULES def write_html_file(html_tree, filename): doctype = "" html = doctype + ET.tostring(html_tree, method='html', encoding='utf-8', ) edited = open(filename, 'w') #write edited.write(html) edited.close() def parse_work(title, content): workdict = {'Title':title, 'Creator':'', 'Date':'', 'Website':'', 'Thumbnail':'', 'Bio':'', 'Description':'', 'Extra':''} if re.match('\{\{\Graduation work', content): template, extra = (re.findall('\{\{Graduation work\n(.*?)\}\}(.*)', content, re.DOTALL))[0] if extra: workdict['Extra'] = extra.encode('utf-8') # template's key/value pair # Note:Extra value is NOT CAPTURED by this regex keyval = re.findall('\|(.*?)\=(.*?\n)', template, re.DOTALL) for pair in keyval: key = pair[0] val = (pair[1]).replace('\n', '') if 'Creator' in key: val = val.replace(', ', '') elif 'Thumbnail' in key: val = mw_singelimg_url(site, val)#api_thumb_url(val) elif 'Website' in key: val = urllib.unquote( val) workdict[key]=val.encode('utf-8') # pprint.pprint(workdict) return workdict def pandoc2html(mw_content): '''convert individual mw sections to html''' mw_content = mw_content.encode('utf-8') # convert from mw to html args_echo =shlex.split( ('echo "{}"'.format(mw_content)) ) args_pandoc = shlex.split( 'pandoc -f mediawiki -t html5' ) p1 = subprocess.Popen(args_echo, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(args_pandoc, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) html = (p2.communicate())[0] return html gallery_exp=re.compile('(.*?)', re.S) imgfile_exp=re.compile('(File:(.*?)\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png))') def replace_gallery(content): content = re.sub(imgfile_exp, '[[\g<1>]]', content) #add [[ ]] to File:.*? content = re.sub(gallery_exp, '\g<1>', content) #remove gallery wrapper return content video_exp=re.compile('\{\{(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}') vimeo_exp=re.compile('\{\{vimeo\|(.*?)\}\}') youtube_exp=re.compile('\{\{youtube\|(.*?)\}\}') def replace_video(content): content = re.sub(vimeo_exp,"", content) content = re.sub(youtube_exp, "", content) return content # Index Creation def index_addwork(parent, workid, href, thumbnail, title, creator, date): child_div = ET.SubElement(parent, 'div', attrib={'class':'item', 'id':workid, 'data-title':title, 'data-creator':creator, 'data-date':date}) grandchild_a = ET.SubElement(child_div, 'a', attrib={'href':href, 'class':'work'}) if thumbnail is '': grandgrandchild_h3 = ET.SubElement(grandchild_a, 'h3', attrib={'class':'work', 'id':'thumbnail_replacement'}) grandgrandchild_h3.text=title else: grandgrandchild_img = ET.SubElement(grandchild_a, 'img', attrib={'class':'work', 'src':thumbnail}) # need to add css width to div.item