#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########### # prototyping downloading and converting mw page content to html ########### # OVERVIEW: # * creating one single html page # * replace {{youtube/vimeo}} with video tags # * replace galleries with rows of images # request all the pages # **BUILD INDEX** # build all pages import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import html5lib, pprint from mmdc_modules import api_page, pandoc2html, parse_work, api_file_url, replace_gallery, replace_video, index_addwork, write_html_file, mw_cats from argparse import ArgumentParser p = ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("--host", default="pzwiki.wdka.nl") p.add_argument("--path", default="/mw-mediadesign/", help="nb: should end with /") p.add_argument("--category", "-c", nargs="*", default=[], action="append", help="category to query, use -c foo -c bar to intersect multiple categories") args = p.parse_args() print args ######## # QUERY API ######## sid = '1234' useragent = "Mozilla/5.001 (windows; U; NT4.0; en-US; rv:1.0) Gecko/25250101" endpoint = "http://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mw-mediadesign/api.php?format=json&" ######## # CREATE INDEX ######## memberpages=mw_cats(args) print 'memberpages', memberpages #memberpages = api_pagesincategories('Graduation work', '2015') #list, containing dictionary of all pages ids. Example: [{u'ns': 0, u'pageid': 15974, u'title': u'Ahhhh'}, {u'ns': 0, u'pageid': 16005, u'title': u'Artyom-graduation-work'}] #memberpages = [{u'ns': 0, u'pageid': 15982, u'title': u'The Aesthetics of Ethics'}] #memberpages = [{u'ns': 0, u'pageid': 16005, u'title': u'Artyom-graduation-work'}] #memberpages = [{u'ns': 0, u'pageid': 16007, u'title': u'U ntitled'}] #memberpages = [{u'ns': 0, u'pageid': 15965, u'title': u'Qq'}] ## output: memberpages [{u'ns': 0, u'pageid': 15982, u'title': u'The Aesthetics of Ethics'}] ######## # Templates ######## page_template = open("web/page-template.html", "r") page_template = page_template.read() index_file = 'web/index-template.html' index_file = open(index_file, 'r') index_tree = html5lib.parse(index_file, namespaceHTMLElements=False) index_container = index_tree.find(".//div[@class='isotope']") #maybe id is important, to destinguish it ######## # CREATE PAGE ######## for member in memberpages: print ' member', member # download mw work page # pageid=member['pageid'] # pagetitle=(member['title'].encode('utf-8')) workpage_mw = api_page(member, 'content') # parse workpage_mw workpage_mw = replace_gallery(workpage_mw) workpage_mw = replace_video(workpage_mw) workdict = parse_work(member, workpage_mw) # create dictionary workpage_mw template for key in workdict.keys(): # convert Extra, Description, Bio to HTML if key in ['Extra', 'Description', 'Bio'] and workdict[key]: workdict[key] = pandoc2html( (workdict[key].decode('utf-8')) ) # fill template with dictionary/mw_page values workpage_html = page_template.format(title=(workdict['Title']), creator=(workdict['Creator']), date=workdict['Date'], website=workdict['Website'], thumbnail=workdict['Thumbnail'], bio=(workdict['Bio']), description=(workdict['Description']), extra=( workdict['Extra'] ) ) # parse workpage_html # process html: img full url tree = html5lib.parse(workpage_html, namespaceHTMLElements=False) imgs = tree.findall('.//img') for img in imgs: if img.get('id') is not 'logo': src = img.get('src') newsrc = api_file_url(src) ## MOVE FULL URl OPERATION TO MW CONTENT if newsrc: img.set('src', newsrc) website = tree.find('.//p[@class="hightlightSidebar"]/a') if not website.get('href'): # if no website link. #remove empty .//p[@class="hightlightSidebar"]/a website_parent = tree.find('.//p[@class="hightlightSidebar"]') website_parent.remove(website) # save workpage_html workpage_html = ET.tostring(tree) creator = workdict['Creator'].decode('ascii', 'ignore') creator = creator.replace(' ','_') work_filename = 'web/{}-{}.html'.format(workdict['Date'], creator) work_file = open(work_filename, "w") work_file.write(workpage_html) work_file.close() # insert work to index index_addwork( parent=index_container, workid=key, href=work_filename.replace('web/',''), title=(workdict['Title']).decode('utf-8'), creator=workdict['Creator'].decode('utf-8'), date=workdict['Date'], thumbnail=workdict['Thumbnail'], ) write_html_file(index_tree, 'web/index.html') print print