updated regexs for av material-using mw widgets

Castro0o 6 years ago
parent 92dad099cc
commit cd4982f1b2

@ -153,13 +153,18 @@ def replace_gallery(content):
content = re.sub(gallery_exp, '\g<1>', content) #remove gallery wrapper
return content
def replace_video(content):
print '*** VIDEO ***'
content = re.sub(vimeo_exp,"<iframe src='https://player.vimeo.com/video/\g<1>' width='600px' height='450px'> </iframe>", content)
content = re.sub(youtube_exp, "<iframe src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/\g<1>' width='600px' height='450px'> </iframe>", content)
content = re.sub(video_exp, "<video controls='controls' src='\g<1>' ></video>", content)
return content

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import html5lib, urllib, pprint
from mmdc_modules import pandoc2html, parse_work, write_html_file, mw_cats, mw_page_imgsurl, mw_img_url, mw_page_text, mwsite, mw_page_cats, mw_page, remove_cats, find_authors, replace_video, replace_img_a_tag, index_addwork, years
import html5lib, urllib, pprint, re
from mmdc_modules import pandoc2html, parse_work, write_html_file, mw_cats, mw_page_imgsurl, mw_img_url, mw_page_text, mwsite, mw_page_cats, mw_page, remove_cats, find_authors, replace_video, replace_img_a_tag, index_addwork, years, vimeo_exp
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from random import shuffle
###### REQUIRES #####
@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ print 'args', args
# DEFS: create_pages create_index
def create_pages(memberpages, mode):
indexdict = {} #parent dict: contains articledict instances
for member in memberpages:
@ -45,17 +49,29 @@ def create_pages(memberpages, mode):
articledict = parse_work(site, member, page_text) # create dictionary
# Title, Creator, Date, Website, Thumbnail, Bio, Description, Extra
if len(articledict['Creator'])>0 and len(articledict['Title'])>0 and len(articledict['Thumbnail'])>0:
for key in articledict.keys():
print key
if key in ['Extra', 'Description', 'Bio']:
print '3 keys'
articledict[key] = pandoc2html(articledict[key])
elif key in ['Creator']:
articledict[key] = articledict[key].replace(',','' )
elif key in ['Content']:
articledict[key] = remove_cats(articledict['Content'])
articledict[key] = replace_video(articledict['Content'])
elif key is 'Creator':
print 'creator'
articledict[key] = articledict[key].replace(',','' )
if key is 'Extra':
print 'extra', type( articledict['Extra'])
articledict[key] = remove_cats(articledict['Extra'])
articledict[key] = replace_video(articledict['Extra'])
# found = re.findall(vimeo_exp, articledict['Extra'])
# print 'FOUND:', found
pprint.pprint( articledict)
articledict['Imgs'] = mw_page_imgsurl(site, page, articledict['Thumbnail'] )
#pprint.pprint( articledict)
year = articledict['Date']
page_template = open("./work-{}-template.html".format(year), "r") # a template for each year
page_tree = html5lib.parse(page_template, namespaceHTMLElements=False)
@ -174,7 +190,7 @@ for key in indexdict.keys(): # populate indexdict_byyear with works
indexdict_byyear[ int(indexdict[key]['Date'])][key] = indexdict[key]
#print '\n\n******* indexdict_byyear ***********\n\n'
pprint.pprint( indexdict_byyear )
#pprint.pprint( indexdict_byyear )
for year in indexdict_byyear.keys(): # create index page for each year ie 2016.html
print '\n***** ', year, ' *****\n'
