creating work page

Castro0o 9 years ago
parent c80cc114b6
commit 9337f7edd3

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import html5lib, urllib2, json, pprint, re
from mmdc_modules import api_thumb_url, pandoc2html, img_fullurl, api_file_url
from mmdc_modules import api_thumb_url, pandoc2html, img_fullurl, api_file_url, write_html_file
#import mmdc_create_json import api_thumb_url
json_allworks_file = open('allworks_mmdc.json', 'r') # save json
json_allworks = json.loads(
@ -34,86 +34,91 @@ def replace_gallery(content):
return content, gallery_imgs
def replace_video(content):
print '-- Replacing Videos --'
videos = []
videos_found = re.findall(video_exp, content)
for video in videos_found:
video_provider = str(video[0])
video_hash = str(video[1])
video_src = None
print video_provider, type(video_provider)
if (video_provider.lower()) == 'youtube':
video_src="" + video_hash
elif (video_provider.lower()) == 'vimeo':
video_src="" + video_hash
print 'VIMEO'
if video_src:
iframe_el = ET.Element('iframe', attrib={'src':video_src, 'width':'600px', 'height':'450px'})
content = re.sub(video_exp, '', content)
return content, videos
def create_workpage( allworks_dict, work_key): # replace text content in dict with html nodes, holding the content
def create_workpage( allworks_dict, work_key, tree): # replace text content in dict with html nodes, holding the content
for key in allworks_dict.keys():
div_header = (tree.findall(".//div[@class='header']"))[0]
div_body = (tree.findall(".//div[@class='body']"))[0]
div_av = (tree.findall(".//div[@class='av']"))[0]
if key in ['Description', 'Extra']:
mw_content = allworks_dict[key]
if, mw_content):
mw_content, gallery_imgs = replace_gallery(mw_content)
allworks_dict['Images'] = gallery_imgs
elif, mw_content):
print '-- Searching for Video --'
mw_content, videos = replace_video(mw_content)
allworks_dict['Video'] = videos
print mw_content, videos
allworks_dict[key] = pandoc2html( mw_content if key in allworks_dict.keys() else '' ) # convert to HTML
work_htmltree = html5lib.parseFragment(allworks_dict[key], namespaceHTMLElements=False)
# print work_htmltree
# print ET.tostring(work_htmltree)
work_el = html5lib.parseFragment(allworks_dict[key], namespaceHTMLElements=False)
# vimeo/youtube: {{vimeo|44977056}}
# External urls: [ scribd]
div_body.append( work_el )
print "****************************"
print ET.tostring(div_body)
print "****************************"
elif key in ['Website']:
work_htmltree = ET.Element('a', attrib={'href': allworks_dict[key], 'id':key})
work_htmltree.text = allworks_dict[key]
work_el = ET.Element('a', attrib={'href': allworks_dict[key], 'id':key})
work_el.text = 'LINK'#allworks_dict[key]
elif key in ['Title']:
work_htmltree = ET.Element('h1', attrib={'id': key})
work_el = ET.Element('h1', attrib={'id': key})
work_el.text = allworks_dict[key]
# typeerror: must be Element, not Element
# div_header.append(work_el)
elif key in ['Creator', 'Date', 'Bio']:
work_htmltree = ET.Element('p', attrib={'id': key})
elif key in ['Thumbnail_url']:
work_htmltree = ET.Element('img', attrib={'src': allworks_dict[key], 'id': key})
print ET.tostring(work_htmltree)
work_el = ET.Element('p', attrib={'id': key})
work_el.text = allworks_dict[key]
elif key in ['Thumbnail']:
work_el = ET.Element('img', attrib={'src': allworks_dict[key], 'id': key})
print ET.tostring(work_el)
work_htmltree = None
# remove keys with None value?
# print work_htmltree
allworks_dict[key] = work_htmltree
allworks_dict.pop('Thumbnail', None) #remove thumnail
work_el = None # remove keys with None value?
allworks_dict[key] = work_el
allworks_dict.pop('Thumbnail_url', None) #remove Thumbnail_url
for key in json_allworks.keys():
print (graduation_work['Creator']).encode('utf-8')
# pprint.pprint(graduation_work)
# purge graduation_work from keys with empty vals
# for key in graduation_work:
# if graduation_work[key] in [None, '']:
def edit_index(filepath, json_allworks_dict):
input_file = open(filepath, 'r')
tree = html5lib.parse(input_file, namespaceHTMLElements=False)
div_section02 = (tree.findall(".//div[@id='section02']"))[0]
for key in json_allworks_dict.keys():
insert_work(div_section02, 'Graduation_work thumbnail', graduation_work, key )
return tree
# print graduation_work
create_workpage(graduation_work, key )
worktemplate = open('web/work.html', 'r')
for key in json_allworks.keys():
graduation_work_title = (json_allworks[key]['Title']).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
work_file = 'web/' + key + '-' + graduation_work_title + '.html'
work_tree = html5lib.parse(worktemplate, namespaceHTMLElements=False)
create_workpage(graduation_work, key, work_tree )
write_html_file(work_tree, work_file)
print '----------'
# print ET.tostring(work_tree)
print graduation_work['Creator']
print graduation_work_title
print '----------'

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title></title> <!-- Work title will go to here -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<div id="work">
<div class="header"></div><!--title, Creator, Date, Bio will go here -->
<div class="body"></div> <!-- Description, Extra will go here -->
<div class="av"></div> <!-- AV material (Thumbanail, gallery, video )will go here-->