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10 years ago
<a class="hoverBackA" href="index.html"><img src="./img/arrowBack.svg" /></a><p>Tempted by Tomorrow</p>
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<h2 id="creator">Luther Blisset</h2>
10 years ago
<p id="title">Title 2015</p>
10 years ago
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10 years ago
<div id="description">desc</div>
10 years ago
<div id="bio"><p>Luther Blissett is a multiple-use name, an open pop star informally adopted and shared by hundreds of artists and activists all over Europe and the Americas since 1994. The pseudonym first appeared in Bologna, Italy, in mid-1994, when a number of cultural activists began using it for staging a series of urban and media pranks and to experiment with new forms of authorship and identity. From Bologna the multiple-use name spread to other European cities, such as Rome and London, as well as countries such as Germany, Spain, and Slovenia.[1] Sporadic appearances of Luther Blissett have been also noted in Canada, the United States, and Brazil.</p>
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10 years ago
<a class="hoverBackB" href="index.html"><img src="./img/arrowBack.svg" /></a><p>Title</p><img src="./img/arrowUpW.svg" />
<!--p>PZI: Master Media Design & Communication </p--> <a class="closeSidebar"><img src="./arrowUpW.svg" /></a>
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10 years ago
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