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<meta content="The Master in Media Design &amp; Communication is an intensive project-based research degree exploring the possibilities released by the friction between media and their related practices. The course does not believe in old media and new media, nor in the pattern of media extinctions that punctuate traditional media histories. Rather students exploit the resonances and gaps between photography, cinema, animation, software and computational culture. In publishing and documenting, students are expected to critically engage with the platforms and networks in which their work operate or are distributed." name="description">
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<meta content="The Master in Media Design &amp; Communication is an intensive project-based research degree exploring the possibilities released by the friction between media and their related practices. The course does not believe in old media and new media, nor in the pattern of media extinctions that punctuate traditional media histories. Rather students exploit the resonances and gaps between photography, cinema, animation, software and computational culture. In publishing and documenting, students are expected to critically engage with the platforms and networks in which their work operate or are distributed." property="og:description">
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<!-- &amp;lt;h1 class="highlight"&amp;gt; Piet Zwart Institute&amp;lt;br&amp;gt; -->
<h1>Master Media Design &amp; Communication</h1>
<h1>Graduation Show 2015: <i>Tempted by Tomorrow</i></h1>
<!-- &lt;h1 class="highlight"&gt;3 - 12 July. Hofpoort, Hofplein 20, Rotterdam&lt;/h1&gt; -->
<p><em>Tempted by Tomorrow</em>, is the title that has been chosen, after some debate, by the artists and designers in this years PZI Master Media Design and Communication graduation show. In an era where the death of the <em>Future</em>—that brave utopian concept that motivated a good deal of cultural activity across different strata of culture throughout the twentieth century and beyond—has been widely discussed, it is hard not to read the title ironically.</p>
<p>But in the works in this show, that irony is tempered by a muted, but definite, optimism. The range of works in this years PZI MMDC are extremely diverse in terms of their formal approaches and aesthetic pre-occupations, yet when one engages with and reflects on each individual work there is a common strand running through the show: a sense that it is still possible to make things better; however carefully the concepts make, things and above all better might need to be interrogated.</p>
<p>Each project reflects a unique research trajectory over two years, with each artist employing both studio-based practice and sustained critical reflection to create the artworks and research projects you will find in this show: works ranging from 3d-printed modular camera design and associated workshops; through to a union designed to give a voice to those who undertake the new forms of immaterial labour that abound in our culture; to a series of photographic works that seek to extend the notion of gesture in image to include strategies of image search and recombination. Other works in the show loop together languages taken from a range of discourses including pop culture, social media, iconography, sound design, interface design, library studies performance, and archival research. It is this looping together of disparate technologies and codes that forms the common pre-occupations of the research undertaken within the department.</p>
<p>As a department we are enormously proud of the research work of our graduating students. It has been a privilege to travel alongside their very various paths of enquiry. I would like to thank our guest curators Jon Thomson and Alison Craighead, and our regular curator Willie Stehouwer for the contributions they have made to this show.</p>
<h1>Preview Party: <i>Tempted by Tomorrow (Nervous About Tonight)</i></h1>
<!-- &lt;h1 class="highlight"&gt;Sat. 20 June, 7pm, V2_&lt;/h1&gt; -->
<p>An evening of performances, presentations and installations. Take the opportunity to have a drink, discuss the presented
projects and choose the winner of the Thesis Karaoke, the ultimate research based pop-jukebox.</p>
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<p class="hightlightSidebar">Graduation Show 2015: Tempted by Tomorrow</p>
<!--p&amp;gt;(Text on Gradshow 2015)&amp;lt;/p-->
<p class="hightlightSidebar">Date: 3 - 12 July. <br>Opening: Fri. 3 July, 7pm. <br>Location: Hofpoort, Hofplein 20, Rotterdam. <br>Preview Party: <i>Tempted by Tomorrow (Nervous About Tonight)</i>: Sat. 20 June, 7pm, <a href="">V2_</a></p>
<a> </a><a href="works/2015-Mihail_Bakalov.html">Mihail Bakalov (BG)</a> <br>
<a href="works/2015-ehCaetano.html">Caetano Carvalho (BR)</a> <br>
<a href="works/2015-Junyu_Chen.html">Junyu Chen (CN)</a> <br>
<a href="works/2015-Lucia_Dossin.html">Lucia Dossin (BR)</a> <br>
<a href="works/2015-Max_Dovey.html">Max Dovey (GB)</a> <br>
<a href="works/2015-Henk-Jelle_de_Groot.html">Henk-Jelle de Groot (NL)</a> <br>
<a href="works/2015-Elleke_Hageman.html">Elleke Hageman (NL)</a><br>
<a href="works/2015-Artyom_Kocharyan.html">Artyom Kocharyan (AM, NL)</a><br>
<a href="works/2015-Ldia_Pereira.html">Lída Pereira (PT)</a><br>
<a href="works/2015-Ana_Lusa_Moura.html">Luísa Moura (PT)</a><br>
<a href="works/2015-Nikos_Voyiatzis.html">Nikos Voyiatzis (GR)</a><br>
<a href="works/2015-Joseph_Knierzinger.html">Joseph Knierzinger (AT)</a><br>
<a href="works/2015-Mathijs_van_Oosterhoudt.html">Mathijs van Oosterhoudt (NL)</a></p>
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<div class="item" data-creator="Julie Boschat Thorez" data-date="2016" data-title="LIAPO" id="LIAPO"><a class="work" href="works/2016-Julie_Boschat_Thorez.html"><img class="work" src=""></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Joana Chicau" data-date="2016" data-title="WebPage Act l, ll, lll" id="WebPage Act l, ll, lll"><a class="work" href="works/2016-Joana_Chicau.html"><img class="work" src=""></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Solange Frankort" data-date="2016" data-title="The Limejuice Mystery" id="The Limejuice Mystery"><a class="work" href="works/2016-Solange_Frankort.html"><img class="work" src=""></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Manetta Berends" data-date="2016" data-title="I-could-have-written-that" id="I-could-have-written-that"><a class="work" href="works/2016-Manetta_Berends.html"><img class="work" src=""></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Cihad Caner" data-date="2016" data-title="Abstract Violence" id="Abstract Violence"><a class="work" href="works/2016-Cihad_Caner.html"><img class="work" src=""></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Ruben van de Ven" data-date="2016" data-title="Choose how you feel; you have seven options" id="Choose how you feel; you have seven options"><a class="work" href="works/2016-Ruben_van_de_Ven.html"><img class="work" src=""></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Yuzhen Tang" data-date="2016" data-title="For the Common Good" id="For the Common Good"><a class="work" href="works/2016-Yuzhen_Tang.html"><img class="work" src=""></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Lucas Battich" data-date="2016" data-title="Progressive movement towards concrete creation" id="Progressive movement towards concrete creation"><a class="work" href="works/2016-Lucas_Battich.html"><img class="work" src=""></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Cristina Lavinia Cochior" data-date="2016" data-title="In The Company Of Bots" id="In The Company Of Bots"><a class="work" href="works/2016-Cristina_Lavinia_Cochior.html"><img class="work" src=""></a></div></div>
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<!-- &lt;h1 class="highlight"&gt; Master Media Design &amp; Communication&lt;/h1&gt; -->
<p> The Piet Zwart Institute houses the international Master programmes of the Willem de Kooning Academy at Hogeschool Rotterdam. Since 1999 it has been dedicated to promoting study and research in the fields of art, design and art education.</p>
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