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<h2 id="creator">Dorothy Cheung</h2>
<p id="title">Chasing the Light 2019</p><!--{title} {date} -->
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<div id="description"><p>Chasing the light is an installation based on individuals who volunteer to study Hong Kong's archival documents stored in National Archives, London, reflecting on the identity issue. The installation includes moving image as well as documents and images from the research, that works as a personal archive itself.</p>
<div id="bio"><p>Dorothy Cheung is a writer and artist. Born 1987, currently based in Rotterdam, NL. She has co-written the screenplay of Pseudo Secular (2016), the film is selected for various festivals including South Taiwan Film Festival, 34th Torino Film Festival, Hong Kong Independent Film Festival, and Taipei Film Festival. Her moving image work, Letter to the Outsider (2018) is screened in EYE Filmmuseum and selected for the competition in the 20th Seoul Womens Film Festival and 18th South Taiwan Film Festival.</p>
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