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<h2 id="creator">Karina Dukalska</h2>
<p id="title">Back It Up 2018</p><!--{title} {date} -->
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<div id="description"><p>The intangibility of social dances create a disruptive beauty of pure fulfilment in the moment, a true sense of flow, as well as a yearning for the fleeting memory that may be lost forever. Back It Up is an interactive performance of two swing dancers whose steps are controlled by the audience. It is accompanied by graphical notation systems, traces of the non-verbal dialogue between dancers and the atmosphere in the room recorded by the audience. The difference in perception of the experience is what makes every recording unique.</p>
<div id="bio"><p>Karina Dukalska is a graphic designer challenging the physicality of books by enforcing physical interaction. Engaging with the content through materials, tangibility and actions deepens the experience of consuming the content itself.</p>
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