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4 years ago
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<h2 id="creator">Fabian Landewee</h2>
<p id="title">Fabian Landewee 2018</p><!--{title} {date} -->
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<div id="bio"><p>Fabian Landewee [NL] is a photographer and visual artist based in Amsterdam. His practice focuses on image as object and photographic production. Expanding this to his fields of interest, the (im)possible representation of LGBTQ+ people is one of his main subjects; with recurring themes like vulnerability and desire.</p>
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<p>“Untitled, 2018” is an installation of photographs. In the space, bodies meet bodies, represented as photographic objects and through depictions of flesh. On the wall large prints of photographic apparatuses hang next to intimate images of LGBTQ+ individuals. The artist combines his interest in the gay gaze together with exploring notions of seeing in itself. By focusing on the objecthood of photographs he attempts to emphasize materiality - and therewith vulnerability - in the photographic medium. </p>
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