from PIL import Image import random im ="img.png") #Can be many different formats. new = im.copy() pix = im.load() newpix = new.load() width,height=im.size print([width,height]) print(pix[1,1]) window = 3 # input parameter 'n' area = window*window for i in range(width//window): #loop over pixels for j in range(height//window):#loop over pixels avg = 0 area_pix = [] for k in range(window): for l in range(window): area_pix.append((k,l))#make a list of coordinates within the tile try: avg += pix[window*i+k,window*j+l][0] newpix[window*i+k,window*j+l] = (0,0,0) #set everything to black except IndexError: avg += 255/2 #just an arbitrary mean value (when were outside of the image) # this is just a dirty trick for coping with images that have # sides that are not multiples of window avg = avg/area # val = v is the number of pixels within the tile that will be turned white val = round(avg/255 * (area+0.99) - 0.5)#0.99 due to rounding errors assert val<=area,'something went wrong with the val' print(val) random.shuffle(area_pix) #randomize pixel coordinates for m in range(val): rel_coords = area_pix.pop()#find random pixel within tile and turn it white newpix[window*i+rel_coords[0],window*j+rel_coords[1]] = (255,255,255)'dog_dithered'+str(window)+'.jpg')