import argparse import sys import os import six from random import randint import random from PIL import Image, ImageOps import curses import sys, termios, tty, os, time import apirequest import imageprinter import requests class Printer(): ESC = b'\x1B' CHANGE_EMULATION = ESC+b'\x7B'+b'\x65' LINE_FEED = b'\n' CARIDGE_RET = b'\x0D' CHARWIDTH = 78 strokes = 0 debug = True target = "/dev/usb/lp0" if debug: target = "/dev/tty" def printchar(self,char): with open(, 'wb') as printer: if self.debug: printer.write(bytes(str(char), 'utf-8')) else: printer.write(self.ESC+b"\x7B"+b"\x41") char=self.strokes*" "+char printer.write(bytes(str(char), 'utf-8')) printer.write(self.ESC+b"\x25"+b"\x46"+b"\x0F"+b"\x00"+b"\x04"+b"\x08"+b"\x00") self.strokes += 1 if(self.strokes>self.CHARWIDTH): printer.write(self.LINE_FEED) self.strokes = 0 def printstring(self,string): with open(, 'wb') as printer: if self.debug: printer.write(bytes(str(string), 'utf-8')) else: printer.write(self.ESC+b"\x7B"+b"\x41") printer.write(bytes(str(string), 'utf-8')) printer.write(self.ESC+b"\x25"+b"\x46"+b"\x0F"+b"\x00"+b"\x04"+b"\x08"+b"\x00") self.newline() def newline(self): global strokes with open(, 'wb') as printer: printer.write(self.LINE_FEED) self.strokes = 0 class Terminal(): lineinput = "" commandMode = True writeloop = True def __init__(self,printer, persons): self.printer = printer self.persons = persons def waittostart(self): self.writeloop = True while self.writeloop: char = self.getch() self.writeloop = False self.lineinput = "" continue def waitforinput(self): self.writeloop = True while self.writeloop: char = self.getch() if (ord(char) == 27): print("exit publication :-(") exit(0) if (ord(char) == 13): self.printer.newline() self.command(self.lineinput) self.lineinput = "" else: self.lineinput+=char self.printer.printchar(char) def getch(self): fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) ch = finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch def command(self, command): #print("received command: "+str(command)) if "help" == str(command): self.printer.printstring("type commands to print the publication") self.printer.printstring("help:") self.printer.printstring(" get help on the commands") #self.writeloop = False elif str(command).split(" ")[0] == "exercise" or str(command).split(" ")[0] == "thesis": part = str(command).split(" ")[0] try: arguments = str(command.strip()).split(" ") arguments.pop(0) for i,arg in enumerate(arguments): if arg.isdigit(): number = int(arg) if number > len(apirequest.getcategory(part)): self.printer.printstring("Number must be inbetween 1 and "+ str(len(apirequest.getcategory(part)))) else: result = apirequest.get(part, number) for line in result: self.printer.printstring(line) self.printer.newline() else: raise Exeption("not a number") except: self.printer.printstring("ERROR: no argument given. Usage: "+part+" ") elif str(command).split(" ")[0] == "whois": if str(command).split(" ")[1] in self.persons: self.printer.printstring(self.persons[str(command).split(" ")[1]]) else: self.printer.printstring("Sorry not found, try " + random.choice(list(self.persons))) elif "exit" == str(command): self.printer.printstring("Imprint") result = apirequest.get("imprint", 1) for line in result: self.printer.printstring(line) self.printer.newline() main() else: self.printer.printstring("~ command not found. try help for a list of available commands") self.printer.newline() #if the command is valid we want to execute the command and continue the story #self.writeloop = False persons = { "Kittler":"Friedrich A. Kittler (June 12, 1943 – October 18, 2011) was a literary scholar and a media theorist. His works relate to media, technology, and the military. ", "Alex":"Alexander Roidl created Poetic Software as part of his Master's thesis" } printer = Printer() term = Terminal(printer, persons) def printimagefromurl(url): page = requests.get(url) f_ext = os.path.splitext(url)[-1] f_name = 'img{}'.format(f_ext) with open(f_name, 'wb') as f: f.write(page.content) imageprinter.print(f_name) def main(): term.waittostart() printer.printstring("W E L C O M E !") printimagefromurl('') printer.printstring("---------------") printer.printstring("POETIC SOFTWARE") printer.printstring("---------------") printer.printstring("type help for help") printer.newline() result = apirequest.get("introduction", 1) for line in result: printer.printstring(line) printer.newline() printer.printstring("theses on POETIC SOFTWARE") result = apirequest.getcategory("thesis") for i, line in enumerate(result): printer.printstring(str(i+1)+" "+line) printer.newline() printer.printstring("exercises in POETIC SOFTWARE") result = apirequest.getcategory("exercise") for i, line in enumerate(result): printer.printstring(str(i+1)+" "+line) printer.newline() printer.printstring("SELECT which one to see, for exercise type: exercise and for thesis type: thesis ") printer.newline() term.waitforinput() main()