import argparse import sys import os import six from random import randint from PIL import Image, ImageOps import curses import sys, termios, tty, os, time class Printer(): ESC = b'\x1B' CHANGE_EMULATION = ESC+b'\x7B'+b'\x65' LINE_FEED = b'\n' CARIDGE_RET = b'\x0D' CHARWIDTH = 78 strokes = 0 debug = True target = "/dev/usb/lp0" if debug: target = "/dev/tty" def printchar(self,char): with open(, 'wb') as printer: printer.write(self.ESC+b"\x7B"+b"\x41") char=self.strokes*" "+char printer.write(bytes(str(char), 'utf-8')) printer.write(self.ESC+b"\x25"+b"\x46"+b"\x0F"+b"\x00"+b"\x04"+b"\x08"+b"\x00") self.strokes += 1 if(self.strokes>self.CHARWIDTH): printer.write(self.LINE_FEED) self.strokes = 0 def printstring(self,string): with open(, 'wb') as printer: printer.write(self.ESC+b"\x7B"+b"\x41") printer.write(bytes(str(string), 'utf-8')) printer.write(self.ESC+b"\x25"+b"\x46"+b"\x0F"+b"\x00"+b"\x04"+b"\x08"+b"\x00") self.newline() def newline(self): global strokes with open(, 'wb') as printer: printer.write(self.LINE_FEED) self.strokes = 0 class Terminal(): lineinput = "" commandMode = False writeloop = True def __init__(self,printer): self.printer = printer def waitforinput(self): term.writeloop = True while self.writeloop: char = self.getch() self.lineinput+=char print(self.lineinput) if (ord(char) == 27): print("exit publication :-(") exit(0) if (ord(char) == 13): self.printer.newline() self.checkforcommand(self.lineinput) self.lineinput = "" else: print(char) self.printer.printchar(char) def getch(self): fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) ch = finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch def checkforcommand(self, command): print("received command:"+command) if command == "help": #if the command is valid we want to execute the command and continue the story #self.writeloop = False printer = Printer() term = Terminal(printer) printer.printstring("W E L C O M E !") printer.printstring("---------------") printer.printstring("POETIC SOFTWARE") printer.printstring("---------------") printer.printstring("type help for help") term.waitforinput() printer.printstring("write a command") term.waitforinput()