10 WIDTH “LPT1:,”255 ‘Set printer for maximum line width 20 LPRINT CHR$(27);”*”;CHR$(113);CHR$(80);”:”;CHR$(3); 30 REM CHR$(113) and CHR$(80) are the attribute codes for normal speed,quadruple density graphics 40 REM CHR$(3) Begins graphics printing 50 FOR I=1 TO 6 ‘Repeat triangle pattern six times 60 FOR J=1 TO 16 ‘Each triangle has 16 columns 70 READ A ‘Read the column 80 LPRINT CHR$(A); ‘Send the byte to the printer 90 NEXT J ‘Now print the next column 100 RESTORE ‘Go back to the beginning of the DATA statements 120 LPRINT CHR$(3);CHR$(2); ‘End graphics printing 130 END 140 DATA 128,192,224,240,248,252,254,255,255,254,252,248,240,224,192,128