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79 lines
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[org 0x2000]
mov [bootdev], dl
mov al, 182 ; meaning that we're about to load
out 43h, al ; prepare speaker for output
mov ax, 2153 ; frequency countdown value is stored in ax. It is calculated by
out 42h, al ; Output low byte.
mov al, ah ; Output high byte.
out 42h, al
in al, 61h
or al, 00000011b
out 61h, al ; Send the new value
mov al, 0
mov ah, 86h
mov cx, 1
mov dx, 200
int 15h
in al, 61h ; Turn off note (get value from
; port 61h).
and al, 11111100b ; Reset bits 1 and 0.
out 61h, al ; Send new value.
mov ah, 06h ; Scroll up function
xor al, al ; Clear entire screen
xor cx, cx ; Upper left corner CH=row, CL=column
mov dx, 184FH ; lower right corner DH=row, DL=column
mov bh, 9Bh ; YellowOnBlue
int 10H ; execute interrupt
mov ah, 02h ;sets cursor to top to write
mov bh, 0h
mov dh, 2h
mov dl, 2h
int 10h
mov si, description
call print
jmp waitforkey
or al,al
jz .exit
mov ah,0x0e
int 10h
jmp print
mov ah, 0x00
int 0x16
cmp ah, 01h
je exit
jmp waitforkey
in al, 61h ; Turn off note (get value from
; port 61h).
and al, 11111100b ; Reset bits 1 and 0.
out 61h, al ; Send new value.
mov dl, [bootdev]
jmp 0x0:0x1000
description db "Poetic Software is a project",0
bootdev db 0x80 ; Boot device number
%assign usedMemory ($-$$)
%assign usableMemory (512*16)
%warning [usedMemory/usableMemory] Bytes used
times (512*16)-($-$$) db 0 ;kernel must have size multiple of 512 so le$