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org 0x7C00
%define SECTOR_AMOUNT 0x10 ;Precompiler defined value for easy changing
jmp short start
OEMLabel db "Example " ; Disk label
BytesPerSector dw 512 ; Bytes per sector
SectorsPerCluster db 1 ; Sectors per cluster
ReservedForBoot dw 1 ; Reserved sectors for boot record
NumberOfFats db 2 ; Number of copies of the FAT
RootDirEntries dw 224 ; Number of entries in root dir
LogicalSectors dw 2880 ; Number of logical sectors
MediumByte db 0F0h ; Medium descriptor byte
SectorsPerFat dw 9 ; Sectors per FAT
SectorsPerTrack dw 18 ; Sectors per track (36/cylinder)
Sides dw 2 ; Number of sides/heads
HiddenSectors dd 0 ; Number of hidden sectors
LargeSectors dd 0 ; Number of LBA sectors
DriveNo dw 0 ; Drive No: 0
Signature db 41 ; Drive signature: 41 for floppy
VolumeID dd 00000000h ; Volume ID: any number
VolumeLabel db "Example "; Volume Label: any 11 chars
FileSystem db "FAT12 " ; File system type: don't change!
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
;Reset disk system
mov ah, 0
int 0x13 ; 0x13 ah=0 dl = drive number
jc errorpart
;Read from harddrive and write to RAM
mov bx, 0x8000 ; bx = address to write the kernel to
mov al, SECTOR_AMOUNT ; al = amount of sectors to read
mov ch, 0 ; cylinder/track = 0
mov dh, 0 ; head = 0
mov cl, 2 ; sector = 2
mov ah, 2 ; ah = 2: read from drive
int 0x13 ; => ah = status, al = amount read
jc errorpart
jmp 0x8000
errorpart: ;if stuff went wrong you end here so let's display a message
mov si, errormsg
mov bh, 0x00 ;page 0
mov bl, 0x07 ;text attribute
mov ah, 0x0E ;tells BIOS to print char
sub al, 0
jz end
int 0x10 ;interrupt
jmp .part
jmp $
errormsg db "Failed to load...",0
times 510-($-$$) db 0
;Begin MBR Signature
db 0x55 ;byte 511 = 0x55
db 0xAA ;byte 512 = 0xAA