from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import StringField, FileField, validators
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired, DataRequired, NumberRange
from wtforms import FieldList
from wtforms import Form as NoCsrfForm
from wtforms.fields import StringField, FormField, SubmitField, SelectField, RadioField
from app.models import Location, LocationSchema
from wtforms.fields import DecimalRangeField
from wtforms.widgets import TextArea
# - - - Forms - - -
# class AuthorForm(NoCsrfForm):
# # this forms is never exposed so we can use the non CSRF version
# author_name = StringField('Author Name', validators=[DataRequired()])
class UploadLocation(FlaskForm):
longitude = DecimalRangeField( 'longitude', [InputRequired(),NumberRange(min=1, message="Not valid coordinates")])
latitude = DecimalRangeField('latitude',[InputRequired(),NumberRange(min=1, message="Not valid coordinates")])
class UploadText(FlaskForm):
message = StringField('message', [InputRequired()], widget=TextArea(), default=None)
longitude = DecimalRangeField( 'longitude', [InputRequired(),NumberRange(min=1, message="Not valid coordinates")])
latitude = DecimalRangeField('latitude',[InputRequired(),NumberRange(min=1, message="Not valid coordinates")])
class UploadAudio(FlaskForm):
message = StringField('message', widget=TextArea(), default=None)
audio = FileField()
longitude = DecimalRangeField( 'longitude', [InputRequired(),NumberRange(min=1, message="Not valid coordinates")])
latitude = DecimalRangeField('latitude',[InputRequired(),NumberRange(min=1, message="Not valid coordinates")])
# class EditForm(FlaskForm):
# title = StringField('title', validators=[InputRequired()])
# author = FieldList(FormField(AuthorForm, default=lambda: Author()), min_entries=1)
# category = StringField('category', validators=[InputRequired()])
# year_published = StringField('year published', [validators.Length(max=4)],default=None)
# file = FileField()
# message = StringField('message')
# sameness = DecimalRangeField('sameness', default=0)
# diversity = DecimalRangeField('diversity', default=0)
# gender = DecimalRangeField('gender', default=50)
# choices = [('Student', 'Student'),
# ('Librarian', 'Librarian'),
# ('Pirate', 'Pirate'),
# ('Teacher', 'Teacher'),
# ('Institution', 'Institution'),
# ('All of the above', 'All of the above'),
# ('None of the above', 'None of the above')]
# who = SelectField('', choices=choices, default='Student')
# class ChatForm(FlaskForm):
# message = StringField('message', validators=[InputRequired()])
# send = SubmitField(label='Send')
# class StackForm(FlaskForm):
# stack_name = StringField('Stack', validators=[InputRequired()])
# stack_description = StringField('Description', validators=[InputRequired()])
# stack_author = StringField('Who made this', validators=[InputRequired()])
# create = SubmitField(label='Create')
# class AddtoStackForm(FlaskForm):
# select_stack = SelectField('Stacks', validators=[InputRequired()])
# class EditStackForm(FlaskForm):
# edit_stack_name = StringField('Stack', validators=[InputRequired()])
# edit_stack_description = StringField('Description', validators=[InputRequired()])
# class SearchForm(FlaskForm):
# choices = [('All', 'All'),
# ('Title', 'Title'),
# ('Author', 'Author'),
# ('Category', 'Category'),
# ('Stack', 'Stack'),
# ('Outliers', 'Outliers')]
# select = SelectField('', choices=choices, default='All')
# search = StringField('', validators=[InputRequired()])
# # grid = SubmitField('Grid')
# # listview = SubmitField('List')
# randomize = SubmitField('Order differently')