XPUB is the Master of Arts in Fine Art and Design: Experimental Publishing of the Piet Zwart Institute. XPUB focuses on the acts of making things public and creating publics in the age of post-digital networks.
Read more on pzwart.nl
Welcome to the XPUB homepage with links to tools and webpages we use in the course.
An important part of the XPUB course is considering the implications of the technologies and tools we use and how we use them. In this spirit, rather than relying heavily on cloud services, XPUB (self-) hosts and maintains many of the servers and services that the course uses. Students learn and practice skills of programming and server maintenance in order to gain first hand experience with the materials of software and networks.
Call for applications…
Applications deadlines: March 7, 2023 (non-EU) and May 10, 2023 (EU)
Online open day: February 11, 2023
Apply to the course…
public servers
Special Issues
Special Issues are multi-form publications related to a theme initated by a guest editor and produced collectively by XPUB first year students.
Graduation projects and theses
![Graduation projects Screenshot of project.xpub.nl](images/grad.webp)
Graduation projects and theses; representing the culmination of their two year Masters study, each XPUB student produces a graduation work and a thesis.
Course wiki
The wiki is the lifeblood of the course: visit the calendar to get an idea of a typical week, or see the list of current students to see traces and sketches of work in progress. NB: The wiki is shared with the lens-based master, items specific to XPUB are indicated by XPUB1 and XPUB2 (to indicate the first and second years). The wiki is an example of a self-hosted instance of mediawiki, the free software that underpins Wikipedia.
Piet Zwart Institute
XPUB is one of six masters programs collectively known as the Piet Zwart Institute.
Willem de Kooning Academy
XPUB is a part of the Willem de Kooning academy, and can be found on the fourth floor of the Wijnhaven building, with convenient access to the many facilities of the Art academy.
XPUB self-hosts a gitea code respository. This provides a public outlet to support the many code works done within the course such as this page.
The XPUB etherpad is another crucial piece of course self-hosted infrastructure. Etherpads are all about realtime group collaboration with a minimum of prescriptive structures. Pads are used heavily in the course as a means of collective note taking, planning, writing and annotation.
servers for students & staff
The zulip instance functions as a private bulletin board system for the XPUB community.
Mailing list
The course uses a mailing list provided by a neighboring network lurk.org.
Hotline (jitsi)
The hotline is a self-hosted jitsi instance; during the pandemic… zoom and co… link to critiques of cloud infrastructure here?
The xpub hub is a public relay to a collection of self-hosted and student-maintained local servers. Using a combination of VPN (virtual private network) and reverse proxy, the hub enables experimentation with self-hosting, server portability, local-first and low power infrastructure and convivial and feminist server practices.
This site is made with pandoc & markdown.
Applications deadlines: March 7, 2023 (non-EU) and May 10, 2023 (EU)
Online open day: February 11, 2023
Apply to the course…