update for last week push

Michael Murtaugh 12 months ago
parent a22e2dcfcb
commit e991179bbd

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
function randint (from, to) {
return from + Math.floor((Math.random() * (to-from)));
function choice (arr) {
let ri = randint(0, arr.length-1);
let ret = arr[ri];
arr.splice(ri, 1);
return ret;
async function make_phrase (nn, terms, delay) {
nn.querySelector(".actor").innerHTML = choice(terms['actor']);
await sleep(delay);
nn.querySelector(".action").innerHTML = choice(terms['action']);
await sleep(delay);
if (randint(0, 2) == 0) {
nn.querySelector(".prefix").innerHTML = choice(terms['prefix'])+'-';
} else {
nn.querySelector(".sort").innerHTML = choice(terms['sort']);
await sleep(delay);
nn.querySelector(".media").innerHTML = choice(terms['media']);
const sleep = delaysecs => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delaysecs*1000));
let limit = 25;
async function make_phrases (json, id) {
let terms = await (await fetch(json)).json();
// console.log("terms", terms);
let call = document.querySelector(id);
let template = call.querySelector(".phrase");
let count = 0;
while (true) {
let nn = template.cloneNode(true);
await make_phrase(nn, terms, 0.25);
if (terms['actor'].length == 0 || terms['action'].length == 0 || terms['prefix'].length == 0 || terms['sort'].length == 0 || terms['media'].length == 0) {
console.log("out of terms, stopping");
count += 1;
if (limit > 0 && count>=limit) { break };
await (sleep(1.0));

@ -29,19 +29,36 @@
<summary> Welcome to the XPUB homepage with links to tools and webpages we use in the course. </summary> An important part of the XPUB course is considering the implications of the technologies and tools we use, how the choices have an impact socially, environmentally, politically. In this spirit, rather than relying heavily on cloud services, XPUB (self-) hosts and maintains many of the servers and services that the course uses. Students learn and practice skills of programming and server maintenance in order to gain first hand experience with the materials of software and networks.
<details open>
<p><summary>not-just-a-fair: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 7-9 April</summary> XPUB students + staff will be on hand at the <a href="https://platformpost.nl/programma/events/alliances-not-just-a-fair">not-just-a-fair</a> .</p>
<p>Come meet students + staff in person, and sample recent and in-progress publications!</p>
<p><a href="https://platformpost.nl/programma/events/alliances-not-just-a-fair"><img src="2023/not-just-a-fair-xpub.jpg" /></a></p>
<details open>
<details open id="call_details">
<p><summary> XPUB Call for application 2023</p>
<p><img src="./2022/call2023.320x.jpg" title="XPUB Call for applications" alt="XPUB Call 2023" /> </summary></p>
<p><a href="2022/call/"><img src="2022/call2023.320x.jpg" /></a></p>
<div id="call">
<span class="intro"><strong>Calling all </strong></span><span class="phrase"> <span class="actor"></span> <span class="action"> </span> <span class="prefix"></span> <span class="sort"></span> <span class="media" style="font-style: italic;"></span><span class="comma">, </span></span>
<p><a href="2022/call/">View the call</a></p>
<p><strong>Applications deadlines</strong>: <em>May 10, 2023 (EU)</em></p>
<p><strong>FINAL WEEK — Applications deadlines</strong>: <em>May 10, 2023 (EU)</em></p>
<p><em>Note: The deadline for non-EU applications (March 7, 2023) has passed.</em></p>
<p><a href="https://www.pzwart.nl/experimental-publishing/apply/"><button class="apply">Apply</button></a></p>
<script src="2022/call/call.embed.js"></script>
make_phrases("2022/call/terms.json", "#call");
#call_details {
max-width: unset;
div#call {
font-style: normal;
div#call span.phrase:last-of-type span.comma{
display: none;
color: magenta;
<section id="public-servers" class="level2">
<h2>public servers</h2>
<div class="flex">
@ -100,6 +117,16 @@ The course uses a mailing list provided by neighbor network <a href="https://we.
<section id="section" class="level2">
<div class="flex">
<p><summary>not-just-a-fair: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 7-9 April</p>
<p><img src="2023/not-just-a-fair-xpub.jpg" /> </summary> XPUB students + staff will be on hand at the <a href="https://platformpost.nl/programma/events/alliances-not-just-a-fair">not-just-a-fair</a> .</p>
<p>Come meet students + staff in person, and sample recent and in-progress publications!</p>
<section id="section-1" class="level2">
<div class="flex">
@ -143,7 +170,7 @@ The course uses a mailing list provided by neighbor network <a href="https://we.
<section id="section-1" class="level2">
<section id="section-2" class="level2">
<div class="flex">

@ -28,33 +28,44 @@ An important part of the XPUB course is considering the implications of the tech
<details open>
<summary>not-just-a-fair: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 7-9 April</summary>
XPUB students + staff will be on hand at the [not-just-a-fair](https://platformpost.nl/programma/events/alliances-not-just-a-fair) .
Come meet students + staff in person, and sample recent and in-progress publications!
<details open>
<details open id="call_details">
XPUB Call for application 2023
![XPUB Call 2023](./2022/call2023.320x.jpg "XPUB Call for applications")
<div id="call"><span class="intro"><strong>Calling all </strong></span><span class="phrase"> <span class="actor"></span> <span class="action"> </span> <span class="prefix"></span> <span class="sort"></span> <span class="media" style="font-style: italic;"></span><span class="comma">, </span></span></div>
[View the call](2022/call/)
**Applications deadlines**: *May 10, 2023 (EU)*
**FINAL WEEK &mdash; Applications deadlines**: *May 10, 2023 (EU)*
*Note: The deadline for non-EU applications (March 7, 2023) has passed.*
<a href="https://www.pzwart.nl/experimental-publishing/apply/"><button class="apply">Apply</button></a>
<script src="2022/call/call.embed.js"></script>
make_phrases("2022/call/terms.json", "#call");
#call_details {
max-width: unset;
div#call {
font-style: normal;
div#call span.phrase:last-of-type span.comma{
display: none;
color: magenta;
public servers
@ -184,11 +195,29 @@ The [hotline](https://hotline.xpub.nl) is a self-hosted [Jitsi Meet](https://jit
::: {.flex}
<summary>not-just-a-fair: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 7-9 April
XPUB students + staff will be on hand at the [not-just-a-fair](https://platformpost.nl/programma/events/alliances-not-just-a-fair) .
Come meet students + staff in person, and sample recent and in-progress publications!
::: {.flex}
