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<div id="title"><h1>XPUB invites you to a Paged.js Workshop!</h1></div>
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<h3>Adobe Again?</h3>
<p id="p1">
Most people would think making a publication should be done via
Adobe applications. Don't we want to explore other possibilities
<img src="img/adobelogo_s.jpg" id="adobe">
<img src="img/nomore.jpg" id="nomore">
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<h3>There should be a way</h3>
<p>that I can directly render web pages to print.</p>
<img src="img/coverimg1.jpg">
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<h3 id="t1">On</h3>
<h3 id="t2">Thursday</h3>
<h3 id="t3">13th October</h3>
<h3 id="t4">11am - 6pm</h3>
<h3 id="t5">WH.04.115</h3>
<p id="t6">Guess what would happen?</p>
<div id="note">
<div class="page1">
<p id="time">11am - 1pm: Lecture &amp;<br>2 - 6pm: Workshop</p><p>13th Oct 2022<br>Wijnhaven 04.115</p><p id="time">Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy</p>
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<span id="hostnames"><a href="">Julie Blanc</a></span> and <span id="hostnames"><a href="">Julien Taquet</a></span> will introduce Paged.js!
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<h3 class="font-effect-emboss"><a href="">Paged.js</a></h3>
is a rendering tool for previewing, inspecting and designing a PDF
in the browser, that is known for specifically accommodating
designers using web-to-print techniques in their publications and book making practice.
<img src="img/coverimg2.jpg">
<p id="hosts"> Julie and Julien both work as developers on
the project, so we can also ask them about Paged.js as an open
source project, and what it means to develop and maintain it. </p>
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<p>Are you interested in joining the workshop? Sign up via <span id="print"><a href=""></a></span><span id="web"><a href="">here.</a></span></p>
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