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"""Basic MUD server module for creating text-based Multi-User Dungeon
(MUD) games.
Contains one class, MudServer, which can be instantiated to start a
server running then used to send and receive messages from players.
author: Mark Frimston -
import socket
import select
import time
import sys
import random
import json
with open('rooms.json', 'r') as f:
rooms = json.load(f)
chomsky_phrases= [
"phrasetext": "hello! My name is Noam, welcome to xpub",
"qtext" : "Who are you?",
"responses": [1,2],
"phrasetext": "I'm here to tell you about language",
"qtext" : "What are you doing here?",
"responses": [0,2,3],
"phrasetext": "The obscure language of postmodern, leftist philosophers gives little aid to the working classes",
"qtext" : "What's language?",
"responses": [0,1,3],
"phrasetext": "I was never aware of any other option but to question everything.",
"qtext" : "Do you only answer questions?",
"responses": [0],
class MudServer(object):
"""A basic server for text-based Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) games.
Once created, the server will listen for players connecting using
Telnet. Messages can then be sent to and from multiple connected
The 'update' method should be called in a loop to keep the server
# An inner class which is instantiated for each connected client to store
# info about them
class _Client(object):
"""Holds information about a connected player"""
# the socket object used to communicate with this client
socket = None
# the ip address of this client
address = ""
# holds data send from the client until a full message is received
buffer = ""
# the last time we checked if the client was still connected
lastcheck = 0
def __init__(self, socket, address, buffer, lastcheck):
self.socket = socket
self.address = address
self.buffer = buffer
self.lastcheck = lastcheck
class NPC(object):
"""Holds information about a non player character"""
def __init__(self, name, room, speed, outer_instance): = name = room
self.phrases = chomsky_phrases
self.conversation_state = 0
self.walker = 1
self.walkspeed = speed #time in seconds
self.starttime = time.time()
self.outer_instance = outer_instance
self.outer_instance.npcs[] = self
# The npc just changes room on this function for now. it is called as part of the updateNPCLocations function
def move(self, room): = room
# The npc should be able to say things to you
# Each interaction is a conversation, you are presented with (two) responses which bring
# you down different paths of the conversation. States of the conversation are like rooms
# and responses are like exits. Eventually could this be more random, from a short list of
# possible interactions or responses?
def interact(self):
# say(json.phrases[conversation_state])
# print the questions for possible responses
# wait for user response
# self.conversation_state = based on user response
# End of NPC class-------------------------------------------------
# Used to store different types of occurences
# Different states we can be in while reading data from client
# See _process_sent_data function
# Command codes used by Telnet protocol
# See _process_sent_data function
_TN_WILL = 251
_TN_WONT = 252
_TN_DO = 253
_TN_DONT = 254
# socket used to listen for new clients
_listen_socket = None
# holds info on clients. Maps client id to _Client object
_clients = {}
# counter for assigning each client a new id
_nextid = 0
# list of occurences waiting to be handled by the code
_events = []
# list of newly-added occurences
_new_events = []
def __init__(self):
"""Constructs the MudServer object and starts listening for
new players.
self._clients = {}
self._nextid = 0
self._events = []
self._new_events = []
# create a new tcp socket which will be used to listen for new clients
self._listen_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# set a special option on the socket which allows the port to be
# immediately without having to wait
self._listen_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR,
# bind the socket to an ip address and port. Port 23 is the standard
# telnet port which telnet clients will use, however on some platforms
# this requires root permissions, so we use a higher arbitrary port
# number instead: 1234. Address means that we will bind to all
# of the available network interfaces
self._listen_socket.bind(("", 1234))
# set to non-blocking mode. This means that when we call 'accept', it
# will return immediately without waiting for a connection
# start listening for connections on the socket
# adding npcs (for testing purposes?)
self.npcs = {}
self.chomsky = self.NPC("chomsky","Corridor",20, self)
self.mario = self.NPC("mario","Corridor",50, self)
def update(self):
"""Checks for new players, disconnected players, and new
messages sent from players. This method must be called before
up-to-date info can be obtained from the 'get_new_players',
'get_disconnected_players' and 'get_commands' methods.
It should be called in a loop to keep the game running.
# check for new stuff
# move the new events into the main events list so that they can be
# obtained with 'get_new_players', 'get_disconnected_players' and
# 'get_commands'. The previous events are discarded
self._events = list(self._new_events)
self._new_events = []
def get_new_players(self):
"""Returns a list containing info on any new players that have
entered the game since the last call to 'update'. Each item in
the list is a player id number.
retval = []
# go through all the events in the main list
for ev in self._events:
# if the event is a new player occurence, add the info to the list
if ev[0] == self._EVENT_NEW_PLAYER:
# return the info list
return retval
def get_disconnected_players(self):
"""Returns a list containing info on any players that have left
the game since the last call to 'update'. Each item in the list
is a player id number.
retval = []
# go through all the events in the main list
for ev in self._events:
# if the event is a player disconnect occurence, add the info to
# the list
if ev[0] == self._EVENT_PLAYER_LEFT:
# return the info list
return retval
def get_commands(self):
"""Returns a list containing any commands sent from players
since the last call to 'update'. Each item in the list is a
3-tuple containing the id number of the sending player, a
string containing the command (i.e. the first word of what
they typed), and another string containing the text after the
retval = []
# go through all the events in the main list
for ev in self._events:
# if the event is a command occurence, add the info to the list
if ev[0] == self._EVENT_COMMAND:
retval.append((ev[1], ev[2], ev[3]))
# return the info list
return retval
def send_message(self, to, message):
"""Sends the text in the 'message' parameter to the player with
the id number given in the 'to' parameter. The text will be
printed out in the player's terminal.
# we make sure to put a newline on the end so the client receives the
# message on its own line
self._attempt_send(to, message+"\r\n\r\n")
def shutdown(self):
"""Closes down the server, disconnecting all clients and
closing the listen socket.
# for each client
for cl in self._clients.values():
# close the socket, disconnecting the client
# stop listening for new clients
def _attempt_send(self, clid, data):
# python 2/3 compatability fix - convert non-unicode string to unicode
if sys.version < '3' and type(data) != unicode:
data = unicode(data, "latin1")
# look up the client in the client map and use 'sendall' to send
# the message string on the socket. 'sendall' ensures that all of
# the data is sent in one go
self._clients[clid].socket.sendall(bytearray(data, "latin1"))
# KeyError will be raised if there is no client with the given id in
# the map
except KeyError:
# If there is a connection problem with the client (e.g. they have
# disconnected) a socket error will be raised
except socket.error:
def _check_for_new_connections(self):
# 'select' is used to check whether there is data waiting to be read
# from the socket. We pass in 3 lists of sockets, the first being those
# to check for readability. It returns 3 lists, the first being
# the sockets that are readable. The last parameter is how long to wait
# - we pass in 0 so that it returns immediately without waiting
rlist, wlist, xlist =[self._listen_socket], [], [], 0)
# if the socket wasn't in the readable list, there's no data available,
# meaning no clients waiting to connect, and so we can exit the method
# here
if self._listen_socket not in rlist:
# 'accept' returns a new socket and address info which can be used to
# communicate with the new client
joined_socket, addr = self._listen_socket.accept()
# set non-blocking mode on the new socket. This means that 'send' and
# 'recv' will return immediately without waiting
# construct a new _Client object to hold info about the newly connected
# client. Use 'nextid' as the new client's id number
self._clients[self._nextid] = MudServer._Client(joined_socket, addr[0],
"", time.time())
# add a new player occurence to the new events list with the player's
# id number
self._new_events.append((self._EVENT_NEW_PLAYER, self._nextid))
# add 1 to 'nextid' so that the next client to connect will get a
# unique id number
self._nextid += 1
def _check_for_disconnected(self):
# go through all the clients
for id, cl in list(self._clients.items()):
# if we last checked the client less than 5 seconds ago, skip this
# client and move on to the next one
if time.time() - cl.lastcheck < 5.0:
# send the client an invisible character. It doesn't actually
# matter what we send, we're really just checking that data can
# still be written to the socket. If it can't, an error will be
# raised and we'll know that the client has disconnected.
self._attempt_send(id, "\x00")
# update the last check time
cl.lastcheck = time.time()
def _check_for_messages(self):
# go through all the clients
for id, cl in list(self._clients.items()):
# we use 'select' to test whether there is data waiting to be read
# from the client socket. The function takes 3 lists of sockets,
# the first being those to test for readability. It returns 3 list
# of sockets, the first being those that are actually readable.
rlist, wlist, xlist =[cl.socket], [], [], 0)
# if the client socket wasn't in the readable list, there is no
# new data from the client - we can skip it and move on to the next
# one
if cl.socket not in rlist:
# read data from the socket, using a max length of 4096
data = cl.socket.recv(4096).decode("latin1")
# process the data, stripping out any special Telnet commands
message = self._process_sent_data(cl, data)
# if there was a message in the data
if message:
# remove any spaces, tabs etc from the start and end of
# the message
message = message.strip()
# separate the message into the command (the first word)
# and its parameters (the rest of the message)
command, params = (message.split(" ", 1) + ["", ""])[:2]
# add a command occurence to the new events list with the
# player's id number, the command and its parameters
self._new_events.append((self._EVENT_COMMAND, id,
command.lower(), params))
# if there is a problem reading from the socket (e.g. the client
# has disconnected) a socket error will be raised
except socket.error:
def _handle_disconnect(self, clid):
# remove the client from the clients map
# add a 'player left' occurence to the new events list, with the
# player's id number
self._new_events.append((self._EVENT_PLAYER_LEFT, clid))
def _process_sent_data(self, client, data):
# the Telnet protocol allows special command codes to be inserted into
# messages. For our very simple server we don't need to response to
# any of these codes, but we must at least detect and skip over them
# so that we don't interpret them as text data.
# More info on the Telnet protocol can be found here:
# start with no message and in the normal state
message = None
state = self._READ_STATE_NORMAL
# go through the data a character at a time
for c in data:
# handle the character differently depending on the state we're in:
# normal state
if state == self._READ_STATE_NORMAL:
# if we received the special 'interpret as command' code,
# switch to 'command' state so that we handle the next
# character as a command code and not as regular text data
if ord(c) == self._TN_INTERPRET_AS_COMMAND:
state = self._READ_STATE_COMMAND
# if we get a newline character, this is the end of the
# message. Set 'message' to the contents of the buffer and
# clear the buffer
elif c == "\n":
message = client.buffer
client.buffer = ""
# some telnet clients send the characters as soon as the user
# types them. So if we get a backspace character, this is where
# the user has deleted a character and we should delete the
# last character from the buffer.
elif c == "\x08":
client.buffer = client.buffer[:-1]
# otherwise it's just a regular character - add it to the
# buffer where we're building up the received message
client.buffer += c
# command state
elif state == self._READ_STATE_COMMAND:
# the special 'start of subnegotiation' command code indicates
# that the following characters are a list of options until
# we're told otherwise. We switch into 'subnegotiation' state
# to handle this
if ord(c) == self._TN_SUBNEGOTIATION_START:
state = self._READ_STATE_SUBNEG
# if the command code is one of the 'will', 'wont', 'do' or
# 'dont' commands, the following character will be an option
# code so we must remain in the 'command' state
elif ord(c) in (self._TN_WILL, self._TN_WONT, self._TN_DO,
state = self._READ_STATE_COMMAND
# for all other command codes, there is no accompanying data so
# we can return to 'normal' state.
state = self._READ_STATE_NORMAL
# subnegotiation state
elif state == self._READ_STATE_SUBNEG:
# if we reach an 'end of subnegotiation' command, this ends the
# list of options and we can return to 'normal' state.
# Otherwise we must remain in this state
if ord(c) == self._TN_SUBNEGOTIATION_END:
state = self._READ_STATE_NORMAL
# return the contents of 'message' which is either a string or None
return message
def updateNPCLocations(self):
# global npcs
for i in self.npcs:
if (time.time() - self.npcs[i].starttime > self.npcs[i].walkspeed):
self.npcs[i].starttime = time.time()
# print(self.npcs[i].name + " moved to " + self.npcs[i].room)