# healing #by me(ada) import os , time , random # current (saved) state currentRoom = "empty pizzeria" start = True healing = False heal = 0 items = { "empty pizzeria": ["closure","catharsis", "anger"], "living room": ["connection", "understanding", "support"], "study room": ["expression","hope","new experiences"], "bedroom": ["self-discovery","self-care"], "kitchen": ["work","nourishment","purpose"] } inventory = [] # colors class bcolors: BLUE = '\033[94m' CYAN = '\033[96m' GREEN = '\033[92m' YELLOW = '\033[93m' RED = '\033[91m' MAGENTA = '\x1b[35m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' # separating the text and printing in delay def printer (text = "hello i am the default text", slow=True): for t in text: print(t, end = "", flush= True) if slow == True: time.sleep(random.choice([0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.03, 0.02])) else: time.sleep(random.choice([0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.003, 0.002])) print() # Defining the "taker" function and setting it up in each of the three spaces below def process(planet,thing): if any(x in spliti for x in ["take", "do", "grab", "carry", "experience","feel","understand"]): for item in items[planet]: if item in thing: printer("good job. you now have some" + item) inventory.append(item) items[planet].remove(item) # Creating the while-loop while True: if (start == True): printer(bcolors.BOLD +""" . ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ ╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮ ▕ ╭━╮╭━╮ ▏ ┃ ᵖᵃᵖᵃ'ˢ ᵗʳᵃᵘᵐᵃ ┃ ▕ ┃ ┃┃ ┃▕ ┃ᵃⁿᵈ ᶦᵗˢ ʰᵉᵃˡᶦⁿᵍ ┃ ▕ ┃╭╯╰╮┃ ▏ ╰┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╯ ▕ ╰╯╭╮╰╯ ▏ ┃ ▕ ┃┃ ▏━━╯ ▕ ╰╯ ▏ ▕╱╲╱╲╱╲╱╲╱▏ """, slow=False) printer(bcolors.GREEN +""" welcome to Papa's soul. as of now, his sould has been shattered. papa's beloved pizzeria, through which he took care of his community, has been destroyed by the mafia. he is devasted by a loss of safety, of community, of hope of the future, of identity and of meaningful labour. will you help him heal by gaining healthy coping skills? will you help papa re-build his life? (type explore to being investigating his soul.) """) start = False if (healing == True): printer(bcolors.RED + """ thank you for healing papa. """) exit() # clearing the screen: "clear" for macOS i = input() os.system("clear") spliti = i.split(" ") action = spliti[0] thing = " ".join(spliti[1:]) # creating an inventory if "inventory" in i: printer("you have healed your soul with " + ", ".join(inventory)) # an help message if i in ["help","what","instructions", "advice"]: printer(bcolors.GREEN +""" you asked for help! great job in reaching out. the aim of this game is to aid papa in recovering from the trauma that was inflicted on him by losing his pizzeria. you play the game by typing one word answers. words like here or see will show you the current room. words like care or experiment will show you what is in the room words like take or carry will make you collect objects. the word inventory will show you what you have done so far.""" ) # choices in old pizzeria if currentRoom == "old pizzeria": if i in ["here","see","view","explore", "where"]: printer("""you are currently in papa's old pizzeria. be gentle with him, this room carries a lot of pain. """) elif i in ["care", "experiment", "heal", "discover"]: printer("in papa's old pizzeria you can see " + ", ".join(items["old pizzeria"])) elif i in ["exit","leave","run","move on","out"]: printer("you leave the old pizzeria.") currentRoom = "living room" else: taker("old pizzeria",thing) # choices in living room elif currentRoom == "living room": if i in ["here","see","view","explore", "where"]: printer("""you are currently in papa's living room. this is where he used to host pizza parties for his community.""") elif i in ["care", "experiment", "heal", "discover"]: printer("in papa's living room you can see " + ", ".join(items["old pizzeria"])) elif i in ["exit","leave","run","move on","out"]: printer("you leave the living room.") currentRoom = "study room" else: taker("living room",thing) # choices in study room elif currentRoom == "study room": if i in ["here","see","view","explore", "where"]: printer("""you are currently in papa's study. papa feels a rush of excitement looking at his empty notebooks.""") elif i in ["care", "experiment", "heal", "discover"]: printer("in papa's study you can see " + ", ".join(items["old pizzeria"])) elif i in ["exit","leave","run","move on","out"]: printer("you leave the study.") currentRoom = "bedroom" else: taker("study room",thing) # choices in bedroom elif currentRoom == "bedroom": if i in ["here","see","view","explore", "where"]: printer("""you are currently in papa's bedroom.""") elif i in ["care", "experiment", "heal", "discover"]: printer("in papa's bedroom you can see " + ", ".join(items["old pizzeria"])) elif i in ["exit","leave","run","move on","out"]: printer("you leave the bedroom.") currentRoom = "kitchen" else: taker("bedroom",thing) # choices in kitchen elif currentRoom== "kitchen": if i in ["look","see","view","explore"]: printer("""you are now in papa's kitchen. there are pizza ingredients on the counter""") elif i in ["care", "experiment", "heal", "discover"]: printer("in papa's kitchen you can see " + ", ".join(items["old pizzeria"])) elif i in ["exit","leave","run","move on","out"]: printer("you leave the bedroom.") currentRoom = "kitchen" # the healing condition elif i in [""]: printer("") i = input() if i in [""]: if heal >= 119: printer("""""") heal = True else: printer("" + str(heal) + "")