from random import choice welcome_message = """ --------------------------- You are in the XPUB studio. --------------------------- """ room = ["breadcube", "cup", "book"] bag = ["lamp"] def look(): room_string = ", ".join(room) message = f"There are so many Apple computers here, but they're all locked. All you can see is: { room_string }" return message def defaultReply(): messages = [ "Hmm, not sure about that...", "I don't understand that.", "No clue what you're saying, sorry." ] # otherlist = ["hello","hallo"] message = choice(messages) return message def get(obj): if obj in room: room.remove(obj) bag.append(obj) message = f"You took { obj }." else: message = f"{ obj } is not in the room!" return message # ----------------------- # START OF GAME print(welcome_message) while True: reply = input() # reply = "get lamp" command = reply.split() # command = ["get", "lamp"] print(f"[DEBUG] Your command: { command }") if len(command) >= 1: action = command[0] else: action = "" if len(command) >= 2: obj = command[1] else: obj = "" print(f"[DEBUG] Your action: { action }") print(f"[DEBUG] Your object: { obj }") if "look" in action or "walk" in action: print(look()) elif "jump" in action: print("Hey nice jump.") print("Look at that couch! Do you like it?") reply = input() if "yes" in reply: print("You start jumping on it...") else: print(defaultReply()) elif "get" in action: if obj: print(get(obj)) else: print("You cannot GET without an object.") elif "exit" in action: break elif "inventory" in action: print(bag) else: print(defaultReply()) print("goodbye")