You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

112 lines
4.2 KiB

import os , time , random
# Setting up the current (saved) state
currentRoom = "aquarium"
start = True
graduation = False
study = 0
items = {
"aquarium": ["breadcube", "knife", "computer", "keyboard", "dragon", "candles", "meansofproduction"],
"neutralzone": ["students", "artworks", "offices", "sandwitches"],
"office": ["ideology", "propoganda", "pencilsharpener", "paint", "money"]
inventory = []
# Seperating the text and printing in delay so the content on the screen is readable and easy to comprehend
def printer (text):
for t in text:
print(t, end = "", flush= True)
time.sleep(random.choice([0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.03, 0.02]))
# Defining the "taker" function and setting it up in each of the three rooms below
def taker(room):
if any(x in spliti for x in ["get", "grab", "take", "carry", "steal"]):
for item in items[room]:
if item in spliti:
printer("You took " + item)
# Creating the while-loop
while True:
if (start == True):
printer("Graduation: The Game")
start = False
if (graduation == True):
printer("You Win!")
# Clearing the screen: "cls" for Windows; "clear" for macOS
i = input()
spliti = i.split(" ")
# Creating an inventory
if "inventory" in i:
printer("In you current inventory is " + ", ".join(inventory))
# Choices in the aquarium
if currentRoom == "aquarium":
if i in ["look","see","view","explore"]:
printer("Oh I'm in an aquarium cool")
printer("Oh look in the room! There is " + ", ".join(items["aquarium"]))
elif i in ["exit","walk","run","door","leave"]:
printer("You use the door to exit the aquarium")
currentRoom = "neutralzone"
# The ECTS condition, or the point-gaining system. Every "study" adds 30 points to the player's score. The goal is to reach 120 points or credits.
elif i in ["learn","study","read", "pain", "frustration", "fun"]:
printer("You have studied really hard. Noice")
study = study + 30
printer("your ECTS is " + str(study) + " points")
# Choices in the neutral zone
elif currentRoom == "neutralzone":
if i in ["look","see","view","explore"]:
printer("Oh the BA students have a presentation. annoying.")
printer("Oh look in the room! There is " + ", ".join(items["neutralzone"]))
elif i in ["exit","walk","run","door","leave"]:
printer("You use the door to exit the neutralzone")
i = input("which door? (1 or 2)")
if i == "1":
printer("You use the door to the aquarium")
currentRoom = "aquarium"
elif i == "2":
printer("You use the door to the office")
currentRoom = "office"
# Choices in the office
elif currentRoom == "office":
if i in ["look","see","view","explore"]:
printer("Oh I'm in an office, look theres Leslie. cool.")
printer("Oh look in the room! There is " + ", ".join(items["office"]))
elif i in ["exit","walk","run","door","leave"]:
printer("You use the door to exit the office. Bye Leslie!")
currentRoom = "neutralzone"
# The graduation condition, if ECTS points >= 119 --> Epic Win! If <119 --> Go study.
elif i in ["talk","discuss","debate","ask","say"]:
printer("Hiiiiii Leslie!")
printer("Leslie: Hiiiiiii student, how can I help you?")
i = input()
if i in ["graduate","finish","degree"]:
if study >= 119:
printer("no problem, here is your final degree. congratulations!")
graduation = True
printer("No way you only have " + str(study) + " ECTS points. go to the aquarium and study")