
As single modules perform one job and one job well, you will have to anticipate and even require the output of someone elses module in order for yours to work. Coinciding with your research we will create one or several 'outputs' consisting of an interface, electronics and a manual.

Guests Dennis de Bel Dennis de Bel (1984, NL) is an applied artistic researcher, educator, radio amateur (call sign PD0WNED). In his practice he positions himself as producer, consumer, observer and distributor of critical knowledge focussed on technology. His work has been exhibited at Siggraph Los Angeles, Transmediale Berlin and hosted workshops in various collaborations at, for example, ISEA Hong Kong, Radical Networks New York. He participated in the Relearn summer schools and Libre Graphics Meetings besides being a guest tutor at the Design Academy Eindhoven and the Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University of Applied Science. In 2017 he co-founded Varia, a Rotterdam based space for developing collective approaches towards everyday technology. De Bel holds a MA from the Piet Zwart Institute (NL) and most recently participated in the artist in residency program of t