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* Simple (PWM) Oscillator Explained
Instead of using the Tone() function, you can create a square wave oscillator by
turning the digital pin 11 (speakerpin) on (HIGH) and off (LOW) very fast:
HIGH | ___ ___
| | | | | 50% duty cycle
LOW | ____| |____| | (50% on, 50 off) Determined by delayMicroseconds()
#define SPEAKER_PIN 11
void setup() {
// set pin 11 as output
void loop() {
digitalWrite( SPEAKER_PIN, LOW );
delayMicroseconds( analogRead(A2) ); // wait
digitalWrite( SPEAKER_PIN, HIGH );
delayMicroseconds( analogRead(A2) ); // wait
//note: delayMircoseconds wont pause your whole code like normal delay() would do
//so, the code inside the while loop is executed simultaniously with the code in the
//main loop. See usage in simple-poly-osc.ino