@ -54,6 +54,22 @@ If not the `templates/default.html` will be used to render the pages under that
**CSS/JS files** are stored in `static/`. See `templates/default.html` to see how it links to `static/archive.css`
### run on server
* script (repository) location: `/var/www/html/archive/0`
* go there `cd /var/www/html/archive/0`
* run script `python3 dumpwiki.py`
### git pull most recent changes to archive:
**Allow your sandbox pi user to make `git pull` by:**
* in the sandbox pi, creating one ssh-key pair: `ssh-keygen`
* the content of the public ssh key need to be copied: `cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`
* And added to the user's public ssh keys in the gitear user profile: https://git.xpub.nl/user/settings/keys
* Your gitea user is now is associated the public ssh key you just generated in the sandbox pi
* **Now you are able to `git pull` from `/var/www/html/archive/0` when ever need.**
# query2html.py