# Wiki to HTML pages script
## Depencencies
* python3
* [pip]() Python library installed
* Install:
* `curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py`
* `python3 get-pip.py`
* [mwclient](https://mwclient.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) Python library
* Install:
* `pip3 install mwclient`
* [jinja2](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.11.x/) Python library
* Install:
* `pip3 install jinja2`
* [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/)
* Install:
* Debian/Ubuntu: `sudo apt install pandoc`
* Mac: `brew install pandoc`
## login.txt
`login.txt` is a secrete file (ignored by git) where you place you itch wiki username and password, in separate lines.
It is used to let mwclient access the wiki, since it is close for reading and writing.
## Run
* all toguether `./run.sh`
* `python3 download_imgs.py`
* Downloads all images from wiki to `images/` directory
* and stores each image's metadata to `images.json`
* `python3 images2html.py`
* cycles through the items in `images.json`
* querying the File: wiki for image
* if it contains essential metadata: Title, Page, Total Pages
* retrieves its text content
* generates a HTML page from it
* saves page onto `static_html/` directory
## TODO: Work on making an overview!