You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# this script combines the content of guru and pirate (from json files) to play their messages
# it also integrates leds when the characters speak
import json, random, os, subprocess
from pprint import pprint
from time import sleep
from LEDfunctions import *
# when characters speak the LEDs light up and perform effects
def vu_2_leds(color):
while True:
data = play_process.stdout.readline()
if not data:
pixels.clear() # make LEDs dark
data = data.rstrip()
if data.endswith("%"):
vu = float(data[:-1][-3:])/100 # 0-100
leds_color_intensity(color, vu)
def leds_start_stop(color):
while True:
data = play_process.stdout.readline()
data = data.rstrip()
print('process:', play_process.stdout.readline()) #_handle_exitstatus
# open json files, where are all the phrases
pwd = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__) ) + "/"
oracle_f = open(pwd + "guru.json", "r").read()
oracle = json.loads(oracle_f)
rebel_f = open(pwd + "rebel.json", "r").read()
rebel = json.loads(rebel_f)
# guru part, using audio recordings
keys = list( oracle.keys())
part = random.choice(keys) # choose: Repeat OR Ask Yourself
sound_dir = pwd + "Audio_recordings/" + oracle[part]['title'] + "/"
intro = random.choice(oracle[part]['introductions'])
intro_txt = intro[0]
intro_sound = sound_dir + intro[1]
print('Intro:', intro_txt, intro_sound)
play_process = subprocess.Popen(["aplay", intro_sound, "-f", "cd", "--vumeter=mono"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
# pirate reply
rebel_run = random.choice([True, False]) # 50/50 chances of intervening
if rebel_run is True:
rebel_reply_snippet = intro[2] # comes from guru/oracle json file
rebel_reply = random.choice( rebel[part] )
rebel_sentence = rebel_reply.format(rebel_reply_snippet)
# guru part, using audio recordings
for i in range( random.randint(1,4) ):
sleep( random.randint(1,1) )
msg = random.choice(oracle[part]['messages'])
msg_txt = msg[0]
msg_sound = sound_dir + msg[1]
print('MSG:', msg_txt, msg_sound)
play_process = subprocess.Popen(["aplay", msg_sound, "-f", "cd", "--vumeter=mono"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
vu_2_leds(color_guru) #LEDs guru
# pirate part, using espeak
if rebel_run is True:
print('rebel sentence:', rebel_sentence)
#rebel_cmd = 'echo "{}" | espeak -ven+whisper -s 150'.format(rebel_sentence)
play_process = subprocess.Popen(["espeak", rebel_sentence, "-ven+whisper", "-s", "150"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) # text to speech using espeak
leds_pirate_bounce(color_pirate) # LEDs pirate