{ "none": [ "Cough cough", "Arrrrgh", "Bla bla bla" ], "repeat": [ "Don't try to be positive.", "Hey smart ass, you are not in a cult.", "You are wrong.", "You are being deceived.", "Do you actually believe this?", "This is just common sense.", "Tick tack, tick tack.", "Meditation can become a burden.", "This sounds obvious.", "Would you be so kind to stop talking?" ], "imagine":[ "I don't want to {} ?", "It's a burden to {}", "I'm loosing my time by {}", "Can be pathetic to {}", "It's meaningless to {}", "It's worthless to {}", "Can be stupid to {}", "It's depressing to {}", "Seems boring to {}", "Seems creepy to {}" ], "ask":[ "Ask yourself: are you loosing your time with this?", "Would you rather use your time to meditate or to actually solve your problems?", "Can you really trust someone to solve your problems?" ] }