#!/bin/sh # Script converts first page of PDFs to a jpeg with the ending _cover.jpeg # Software dependencies: gs # Usage: ./pdf_cover.sh imgs-dir-name DIR="" echo ${#1} if [ ${#1} -gt 0 ] # check arguments given then DIR=$1 echo "PDF from $DIR directory: cover converted to png" for f in $DIR/*.pdf # convert imgs to tmp pdfs do COVER=$DIR/`basename "$f" .pdf`_cover.jpeg echo $COVER gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dBATCH -sDEVICE=jpeg -r300x300 -sOutputFile="$COVER" -dLastPage=1 "$f" # convert "$f"[0] "$COVER" done # pdftk $DIR*.pdf cat output $FILENAME # concatonate single pdf into 1 pdf else echo "You forgot to provide the PDFs directory as first argument" fi