<html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> *{ font-family: monospace; } body pre{ max-width: 600px; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; } </style> </head> <body> <pre> WELCOME! ----------------------------------- P O E T I C S O F T W A R E ----------------------------------- is (1) a publication (2) a reflection on software as as a cultural object ------------------------------------ type help for more information ------------------------------------ Are you sure you want to continue? Press [Enter] to continue, Press "C" to Cancel Introduction Exploring Software with the language of technology and the concepts of software. A way to explore software differently, in a poetic, cultural sense. 10 Theses on POETIC SOFTWARE 1. Software is not neutral 2. Software is invisible 3. Software is emotional 4. Software is not a good of consumption 5. Software can be non-functional 6. Software is culture 6.1 Concepts of software are of cultural value 7. Software is fun 8. Software is interrupting 9. Software is physical and conceptual equally 10. Software has a history 10 Exercises in POETIC SOFTWARE 1. My iPod is bored 2. Wifi poem 3. A bootloader publication 4. Slow Turtle: A slow server for slow lorris attacks 5. Software depicting software 6. Pin printer 7. The noise in my computer 8. A neural network that doesn't learn 9. PSP: Portable Software Publishing 10. Minimal writing <u>interrupt</u> In the original senes the computer does not have a notion of interaction. The way user input e.g. through typing is handled with interrupts. The interrupts literally interrupts the system stops processes to handle the user input. In that way the input through users gains priority over other processes running on the computers. <u>dithering</u> Concept to archive greyscale appearence on bitmap images, by the way pixels are distributed <u>/dev/urandom</u> device in the computer to collect noise <u>bootloader</u> To load the Operating System (OS) the system needs to load it in the memory and setup a few other parameters to make the OS executable. This is the basic function of the bootloader. <u>compression</u> Methods / algorithms to minimise filesize. <u>systemd</u> <u>keycode</u> <u>dependency</u> <u>framework</u> <u>memory</u> <u>denial of service attack</u> Cyberattack towards servers. <u>assembly</u> Low level programming language. <u>filesystem</u> <u>root</u> <u>recursive</u> Imprint Title: Poetic Software Author: Alexander Roidl [your name] 2019 Experimental Publishing, Piet Zwart Institute Special thanks to Aymeric Mansoux, Marloes de Valk, Michael Murtaugh, André Castro, Clara Balaguer, Amy Suo Wu, Leslie Robbins, Angeliki, Alice, Tash, Zalan, Joca, Jule ---------------------------------- COMMANDS ---------------------------------- help: see help for commands start: start publication exit: stop publication who: print the imprint why: print the Introduction whois (name): print bio of name if in publication xpub: print fancy XPUB ASCII logo ----------------------------------- Instructions for the Bootloader: Requirements: PC with Legacy BIOS Boot option. Screen Keyboard 1. Shut down Computer 2. Plug the USB Stick into an empty USB slot 3. Enter the BIOS Menu by pressing a button as instructed on bootup (often F1 or F12) 4. Change the boot-disk to the plug USB Stick 5. Change the boot-mode to legacy boot mode 6. Save and reboot 7. Enjoy the bootloader that automatically should be loaded now Written in Assembly. Multi stage boot, 512 bytes + 6 individual assembly programs for each project. <pre> </body> </html>