Ilinx is an online experiment that explores the relationship between computation and humans as a phenomenal world extending the existential search for knowledge.
The research around the project was done through reading, writing and re-editing of texts and software, theory and fiction.
These formed a collection of materials to be interconnected with each other, creating a map and navigating through it as the work progressed.
The result is an explorable diary and labyrinth where humans and machines, texts and codes melt togheter taking the shape of an hypertextual theory-fiction.
Tancredi Di Giovanni is a researcher and theorist exploring the boundaries between art, science and technology in the attempt to dismantle them. Originally trained in design and visual communication, but profoundly discouraged by the economical factors compromising the discipline, he started to think of himself as a
"nomad-by-necessity" in search for a not yet existing new field.