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          <p id="changeText">/ko 'lek tiv yon ning/</p>
        <p><b>Presentation live at:</b> 19h-20h CEST/UTC+2 (Q&A directly afterwards)</p>

<p>Welcome to the premiere of <em>Collectiveioning</em>, the experimental presentation of projects from the XPUB graduating class of 2020. This is accompanied by a web-to-print website where our research is collected: <a class="ablabla" href="https://collectiveioning.xpub.nl" target="_blank">Collectiveioning</a></p>

<p>Please join us in our IRC chat<span style="color:yellow;">*</span> on the right side of this window, where you can comment and write questions that will be answered in a live Q&A directly following the presentation.</p>
<p><span style="color:yellow;">*</span>requires 3rd party cookies in your browser settings</p>
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var text = ["/ko 'lek tiv yon ning/", "/col ec 'tivio ning/", "/co-lec-tí-bio-ning/","/colleectiiiviòooniiing/","/cool-ectiveioning/","/ke lec ti vi on ne ing/","/collec-tí-ví-uuuuniiiing/"];
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