Unlearning the Rules of Collectivity >>

Unlearning the Rules of Collectivity (2018) is a research project that studies practices of collaboration for art and education models and existent communities. In the thesis, there is an interest in looking at the meaning of community and cooperation, and in rethinking these concepts in different terms. My proposal is to introduce different values that would aim to create a balance between individuals and their natural competitive forces, and the collective, with a need for community and cooperation. The research explores a variety of possibilities and values which calls for a need for balance.

Franc is a visual designer from Barcelona. His work intersects printed matter digging into the political side of software and design as part of his studies, in an ongoing quest to better understand the radical implications of digital tools to society and individuals in general. This has led to his current research in the use of revision control software applied to journalism, in the dramatic context surrounding the Catalan referendum.

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