<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>"To whom it may affect,"</title> <meta name="description" content="XPUB"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/pages.css"> </head> <body> <div id='wrapper'></div> <a href='../' id='homebttn' class='ext'> << home</a> <header> <h1 id='project-title'>"To whom it may affect,"<a href='#hleft-text' class='show'> ⓘ</a></h1> <h2 id='student-name'>Kimberley Cosmilla</h2> <div id='hleft-text'> <a href=# id='back'> <div id='inner-hleft-text'> <div id='ihtp'> <object> <div id='about-project'> <p>What does collectivity mean? What does collectivity do? </p> <p>Which is the meaning to be found in collective approaches to publishing practices? </p> <br> <p>What are the different (mis)understandings of “acting collectively”, or “publishing collectively”? What are the forms into which collectiveness can transform?</p> <p>Is there a collective understanding of collectivity?</p> <br> <p>Where does collectivity start, and where does it end? Does it ever start? Does it ever end?</p> <p>Who does it include, and who does it exclude?</p> <p>Does collectivity have an inside? Does it have an outside? Is publishing a border? A landmark? A cliff?</p> <p>How is an audience positioned? How does an audience adopt a position?</p> <br> <p>What is an invitation? What is a host? What is collective responsibility?</p> <br> <p>How do we practice collective agency?</p> <p>Where do we learn to act collectively? How do we train to act collectively?</p> </div> <hr align='left'> <div id='about-student'> <p>Bibendum maecenas cum faucibus per tincidunt metus ac, diam aliquam aliquet sociosqu parturient a mollis est, felis sem hendrerit rhoncus nisl urna. Ultricies ut risus class ridiculus vestibulum.</p> </div> <a id='getback' class='int'> go back </a> </object> </div> </div> </a> </div> </header> <section id='main'> <div id="galleries"> <div id='work'> <h2 class='gal-title'> <p>What does collectivity mean? What does collectivity do? </p> <p>Which is the meaning to be found in collective approaches to publishing practices? </p> <br> <p>What are the different (mis)understandings of “acting collectively”, or “publishing collectively”? What are the forms into which collectiveness can transform?</p> <p>Is there a collective understanding of collectivity?</p> <br> <p>Where does collectivity start, and where does it end? Does it ever start? Does it ever end?</p> <p>Who does it include, and who does it exclude?</p> <p>Does collectivity have an inside? Does it have an outside? Is publishing a border? A landmark? A cliff?</p> <p>How is an audience positioned? How does an audience adopt a position?</p> <br> <p>What is an invitation? What is a host? What is collective responsibility?</p> <br> <p>How do we practice collective agency?</p> <p>Where do we learn to act collectively? How do we train to act collectively?</p> </h2> <ul id='publist'> <li><a href='https://yourdomain.org' target="_blank" class='ext'>Project Website</a></li> </ul> <img src="img/img1.jpg" class='workimg'/> <img src="img/img2.jpg" class='workimg'/> <img src="img/img3.jpg" class='workimg'/> <img src="img/img4.jpg" class='workimg'/> </div> <div id='publication'> <h3 class='gal-title'>Publication</h3> <ul id='publist'> <li><a href='pdf/thesis.pdf' target="_blank" class='ext'>Publication PDF</a></li> </ul> <img src="img/pub1.jpg" class='workimg'/> <img src="img/pub2.jpg" class='workimg'/> <img src="img/pub3.jpg" class='workimg'/> <img src="img/pub4.jpg" class='workimg'/> </div> <div id='gradshow'> <h3 class='gal-title'>Graduation Show</h3> <img src="img/gradshow1.jpg" class='workimg'/> <img src="img/gradshow2.jpg" class='workimg'/> <img src="img/gradshow3.jpg" class='workimg'/> <img src="img/gradshow4.jpg" class='workimg'/> </div> </div> </section> </div> </body> </html>