Publication // Sound Jams: Deluxe Edition
This special edition celebrates the launch of [sound jams] - a series of facilitated collective sound-based publication makings that I started doing as part of my master’s course research. In this case, you will find the first five editions of the sound jams: the stories behind the making, highlights from the process, visual scores, illustrations and, of course, the sonic pieces (on the micro SD card as well as accessible through a QR code & web link).
Documentation // AlWiki
The documentation of the Sound Jams is published on my own MediaWiki.
Graduation Show
- Radio Show
- Sound Installation
coming soon...
Across two evenings XPUB will share their work and research through interviews. Interviews here are interpreted in different ways by each student - they will structure dialogues, discussions and bubbles of thought, mixed with infomercials and sonic material that shares more of our practices. The radio shows are a teaser to invite you to our graduation show. They are hosted by Ål Nik [Alexandra Nikolova] and Gersande Schellinx.