#!/bin/bash # Download the text of a pad wget https://pad.xpub.nl/p/radioworm-20231107/export/txt -O radioworm-20231107.pad.txt # convert the pad to a CSV python3 scripts/split-urls-csv.py < radioworm-20231107.pad.txt | \ python3 scripts/csv-add-end.py > radioworm-20231107.csv # check if csvgrep is installed if ! csvgrep --help &> /dev/null then echo "csvgrep could not be found, install csvtoolkit with pip or apt" exit 1 fi # Filter the CSV with a keyword csvgrep -c text -m "#intro" radioworm-20231107.csv > radioworm-20231107.intro.csv # Generate a shell script python3 scripts/csv-to-melt.py < radioworm-20231107.intro.csv > edit.sh # Get the source wget https://hub.xpub.nl/chopchop/worm/xpub/radioworm-20231107.ogg # Perform the edit bash edit.sh