You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1862 lines
64 KiB

/*global console, test, throws, equal, fail, deepEqual, notEqual, expect, require, ok,
QUnit, RiTa, RiString, RiGrammar, RiMarkov, RiLexicon */
/*jshint loopfunc: true */
var testResults = [{
testName: 'testGetSyllables',
testMethod: 'RiTa.getSyllables', // static
testClass: 'RiTa',
assertion: 'equal',
tests: [{
input: '',
output: ''
}, {
input: 'The Laggin Dragon',
output: 'dh-ah l-ae/g-ih-n d-r-ae/g-ah-n'
}, {
input: 'The emperor had no clothes on.',
output: 'dh-ah eh-m/p-er/er hh-ae-d n-ow k-l-ow-dh-z aa-n .'
}, {
input: 'The dog ran faster than the other dog. But the other dog was prettier.',
output: 'dh-ah d-ao-g r-ae-n f-ae/s-t-er dh-ae-n dh-ah ah/dh-er d-ao-g . b-ah-t dh-ah ah/dh-er d-ao-g w-aa-z p-r-ih/t-iy/er .'
var runtests = function () {
RiTa.SILENT = 1;
var filePath = (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) ? "./test/html/data/" : "./data/"
QUnit.module("RiTa", {
setup: function () {},
teardown: function () {}
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
test("testGetSyllables", function () { // new-style
var func = RiTa.getSyllables,
tests = testResults[0].tests;
for (var i = 0, len = tests.length; i < len; i++) {
equal(func(tests[i].input), tests[i].output);
test("testGetSyllablesOrig", function () { // old-style
var result, txt, answer;
result = RiTa.getSyllables('');
answer = '';
equal(result, answer);
txt = 'The dog ran faster than the other dog. But the other dog was prettier.';
result = RiTa.getSyllables(txt);
answer = 'dh-ah d-ao-g r-ae-n f-ae/s-t-er dh-ae-n dh-ah ah/dh-er d-ao-g . b-ah-t dh-ah ah/dh-er d-ao-g w-aa-z p-r-ih/t-iy/er .';
equal(result, answer);
txt = 'The emperor had no clothes on.';
result = RiTa.getSyllables(txt);
answer = 'dh-ah eh-m/p-er/er hh-ae-d n-ow k-l-ow-dh-z aa-n .';
equal(result, answer);
txt = 'The Laggin Dragon';
result = RiTa.getSyllables(txt);
answer = 'dh-ah l-ae/g-ih-n d-r-ae/g-ah-n';
equal(result, answer);
equal(RiTa.getSyllables("chevrolet"), "sh-eh-v/r-ow/l-ey");
equal(RiTa.getSyllables("women"), "w-ih/m-eh-n");
equal(RiTa.getSyllables("genuine"), "jh-eh-n/y-uw/w-ah-n");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
test("testConstants", function () {
test("testMinEditDistance", function () {
// testMinEditDistanceArray()
var arr1 = ['The', 'dog', 'ate'],
arr2 = ['The', 'cat', 'ate'];
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, false), 1);
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, true), 1 / 3.0);
var arr1 = ['The', 'dog', 'ate'],
arr2 = [];
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, false), 3);
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, true), 1);
arr1 = ["fefnction", "intention", "ate"];
arr2 = ["faunctional", "execution", "ate"];
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, false), 2);
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, true), 2 / 3);
// test testMinEditDistanceString()
var arr1 = 'The dog',
arr2 = 'The cat';
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, false), 3);
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, true), 3 / 7);
var arr1 = 'The dog',
arr2 = '';
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, false), 7);
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, true), 1);
arr1 = "fefnction";
arr2 = "faunctional";
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, false), 4);
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, true), 4 / 11);
arr1 = "intention";
arr2 = "execution";
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, false), 5);
equal(RiTa.minEditDistance(arr1, arr2, true), 5 / 9);
test("testEnv", function () {
var mode = RiTa.env();
var inNode = (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports);
inNode && ok(mode == RiTa.NODE);
var inBrowser = typeof window != 'undefined';
inBrowser && ok(mode == RiTa.JS);
test("testRandomOrderingWithSeed", function () {
var seed = RiTa.random(9999999);
var result = RiTa.randomOrdering(50);
equal(result.length, 50);
var result2 = RiTa.randomOrdering(50);
equal(result2.length, 50);
deepEqual(result, result2);
test("testRandomWordWithSeed", function () {
var seed = RiTa.random(9999999);
var result = RiTa.randomWord();
var result2 = RiTa.randomWord();
equal(result, result2);
test("testRandomWithSeed", function () {
var seed = Math.round(Math.random() * 9999999);
var result = RiTa.random(9999999);
var result2 = RiTa.random(9999999);
equal(result, result2);
test("testIsAbbreviation", function () {
//T in processing
// F in Processing.lowercase is true but uppercase is false
ok(!RiTa.isAbbreviation("Dr. "));
ok(!RiTa.isAbbreviation(" Dr."));
ok(!RiTa.isAbbreviation(" Dr."));
//double space
ok(!RiTa.isAbbreviation("Dr. "));
//double space
ok(!RiTa.isAbbreviation(" Dr."));
//tab space
ok(!RiTa.isAbbreviation("Dr. "));
//tab space
//T in processing
// F in Processing. lowercase is true but uppercase is false
// F in Processing. lowercase is true but uppercase is false
test("testIsQuestion", function () {
ok(RiTa.isQuestion("what is this"));
ok(RiTa.isQuestion("what is this?"));
ok(RiTa.isQuestion("Does it?"));
ok(RiTa.isQuestion("Would you believe it?"));
ok(RiTa.isQuestion("Have you been?"));
ok(RiTa.isQuestion("Is this yours?"));
ok(RiTa.isQuestion("Are you done?"));
ok(RiTa.isQuestion("what is this? , where is that?"));
ok(!RiTa.isQuestion("That is not a toy This is an apple"));
test("testIsSentenceEnd", function () {
var words = 'The dog ate the small baby. Then it threw up.'.split(' ');
ok(RiTa.isSentenceEnd(words[5], words[6])); // true
ok(!RiTa.isSentenceEnd(words[3], words[4])); // false
ok(!RiTa.isSentenceEnd(words[6], words[7])); // false
ok(!RiTa.isSentenceEnd('', '')); // false
// TODO: needs more tests
test("testIsW_Question", function () {
ok(RiTa.isW_Question("What the"));
ok(RiTa.isW_Question("What is it"));
ok(RiTa.isW_Question("will is it."));
ok(RiTa.isW_Question("Where is it?"));
ok(RiTa.isW_Question("Would ir be?"));
ok(!RiTa.isW_Question("how is it?"));
ok(!RiTa.isW_Question("How is it."));
ok(!RiTa.isW_Question("Does it?"));
ok(!RiTa.isW_Question("Is this yours?"));
ok(!RiTa.isW_Question("Are you done?"));
test("testRandomItem", function () {
var toks = RiTa.tokenize("The boy, dressed in red, ate an apple.!?");
for (var i = 0; i < toks.length * 2; i++) {
toks = RiTa.tokenize("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");
for (var i = 0; i < toks.length * 2; i++) {
toks = RiTa.tokenize("123 123 1 2 3 1,1 1.1 23.45.67 22/05/2012 12th May,2012");
for (var i = 0; i < toks.length * 2; i++) {
test("testRandomOrdering", function () {
var result = RiTa.randomOrdering(5);
equal(result.length, 5);
var result = RiTa.randomOrdering(50);
equal(result.length, 50);
var obj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
ok(!obj.hasOwnProperty(i + ''));
obj[i + ''] = i + '';
test("testSplitSentences", function () {
// TODO: check Penn-Treebank splitting rules
var input = "Stealth's Open Frame, OEM style LCD monitors are designed for special mounting applications. The slim profile packaging provides an excellent solution for building into kiosks, consoles, machines and control panels. If you cannot find an off the shelf solution call us today about designing a custom solution to fit your exact needs.";
var expected = ["Stealth's Open Frame, OEM style LCD monitors are designed for special mounting applications.", "The slim profile packaging provides an excellent solution for building into kiosks, consoles, machines and control panels.", "If you cannot find an off the shelf solution call us today about designing a custom solution to fit your exact needs."];
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "\"The boy went fishing.\", he said. Then he went away.";
var expected = ["\"The boy went fishing.\", he said.", "Then he went away."];
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "The dog";
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
deepEqual(output, [input]);
var input = "I guess the dog ate the baby.";
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
deepEqual(output, [input]);
var input = "Oh my god, the dog ate the baby!";
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
var expected = ["Oh my god, the dog ate the baby!"];
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "Which dog ate the baby?"
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
var expected = ["Which dog ate the baby?"];
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "'Yes, it was a dog that ate the baby', he said."
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
var expected = ["\'Yes, it was a dog that ate the baby\', he said."];
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "The baby belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Stevens. They will be very sad.";
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
var expected = ["The baby belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Stevens.", "They will be very sad."];
deepEqual(output, expected);
// More quotation marks
var input = "\"The baby belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Stevens. They will be very sad.\"";
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
var expected = ["\"The baby belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Stevens.", "They will be very sad.\""];
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "\u201CThe baby belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Stevens. They will be very sad.\u201D";
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
var expected = ["\u201CThe baby belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Stevens.", "They will be very sad.\u201D"];
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "\"My dear Mr. Bennet. Netherfield Park is let at last.\"";
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
var expected = ["\"My dear Mr. Bennet.", "Netherfield Park is let at last.\""];
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "\u201CMy dear Mr. Bennet. Netherfield Park is let at last.\u201D";
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
var expected = ["\u201CMy dear Mr. Bennet.", "Netherfield Park is let at last.\u201D"];
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "She wrote: \"I don't paint anymore. For a while I thought it was just a phase that I'd get over.\"";
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
var expected = ["She wrote: \"I don't paint anymore.", "For a while I thought it was just a phase that I'd get over.\""];
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = " I had a visit from my \"friend\" the tax man.";
var output = RiTa.splitSentences(input);
var expected = ["I had a visit from my \"friend\" the tax man."];
deepEqual(output, expected);
deepEqual(RiTa.splitSentences(""), [""]);
test("testStripPunctuation", function () {
//strip/trimPunctuation "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>`',;:!?)([].#\"\\!@$%&}<>|+=-_\\/*{^
var res = RiTa.stripPunctuation("$%He%^&ll,o,");
equal(res, "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation(""), "");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel_lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel;lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel:lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel'lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel/lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel\"lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel-lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel`lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel?lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel.lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel+lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel*lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel&lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel$lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel(lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel)lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel@lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel[lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel]lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel{lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel}lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel\\lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel%lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel~lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel:lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel;lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel<lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel>lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel^lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel|lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel\u2018\u2019lo"), "Hello");
equal(RiTa.stripPunctuation("Hel\u201C\u201Dlo"), "Hello");
var res = RiTa.stripPunctuation("\"\\!@$%&}<>|+=-_\\/*{^He&^ll,o\!@$%&}<>|+=-_\\/*{^");
equal(res, "Hello");
test("testTrimPunctuation", function () {
var res = RiTa.trimPunctuation("$%He&^ll,o,");
equal(res, "He&^ll,o");
var res = RiTa.trimPunctuation("\u2018Hello\u2019");
equal(res, "Hello");
var res = RiTa.trimPunctuation("\u201CHello\u201D");
equal(res, "Hello");
// fix these strange characters
var res = RiTa.trimPunctuation("<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>`He&^ll,o\!@$%&}<>|+=-_\\/*{^");
equal(res, "He&^ll,o");
var res = RiTa.trimPunctuation("\"\\!@$%&}<>|+=-_\\/*{^He&^ll,o\!@$%&}<>|+=-_\\/*{^");
equal(res, "He&^ll,o");
deepEqual(RiTa.trimPunctuation(""), "");
deepEqual(RiTa.trimPunctuation(1234), 1234);
test("testIsPunctuation", function () {
ok(!RiTa.isPunctuation("What the"));
ok(!RiTa.isPunctuation("What ! the"));
ok(!RiTa.isPunctuation("! "));
ok(!RiTa.isPunctuation(" !"));
ok(!RiTa.isPunctuation("! "));
//double space
ok(!RiTa.isPunctuation(" !"));
//double space
ok(!RiTa.isPunctuation("! "));
//tab space
ok(!RiTa.isPunctuation(" !"));
//tab space
var punct = '$%&^,';
for (var i = 0; i < punct.length; i++) {
var punct = ",;:!?)([].#\"\\!@$%&}<>|+=-_\\/*{^";
for (var i = 0; i < punct.length; i++) {
ok(RiTa.isPunctuation(punct[i]), punct[i]);
// TODO: also test multiple characters strings here ****
var punct = "\"<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>`'";
for (var i = 0; i < punct.length; i++) {
ok(RiTa.isPunctuation(punct[i]), punct[i]);
var punct = "\"<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>`',;:!?)([].#\"\\!@$%&}<>|+=-_\\/*{^";
for (var i = 0; i < punct.length; i++) {
ok(RiTa.isPunctuation(punct[i]), punct[i]);
// TODO: and here...
var nopunct = 'Helloasdfnals FgG \t kjdhfakjsdhf askjdfh aaf98762348576';
for (var i = 0; i < nopunct.length; i++) {
ok(!RiTa.isPunctuation(nopunct[i]), nopunct[i]);
test("testTokenize", function () {
var input = "The student said 'learning is fun'";
var expected = ["The", "student", "said", "'", "learning", "is", "fun", "'"];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = '"Oh God," he thought.';
var expected = ['"', 'Oh', 'God', ',', '"', 'he', 'thought', '.'];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "The boy, dressed in red, ate an apple.";
var expected = ["The", "boy", ",", "dressed", "in", "red", ",", "ate", "an", "apple", "."];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "why? Me?huh?!";
var expected = ["why", "?", "Me", "?", "huh", "?", "!"];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "123 123 1 2 3 1,1 1.1 23.45.67 22/05/2012 12th May,2012";
var expected = ["123", "123", "1", "2", "3", "1", ",", "1", "1", ".", "1", "23", ".", "45", ".", "67", "22/05/2012", "12th", "May", ",", "2012"];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
// TODO: check Penn-Treebank tokenizer rules & add some more edge cases
var inputs = ["A simple sentence.", "that's why this is our place).", ];
var outputs = [
["A", "simple", "sentence", "."],
["that's", "why", "this", "is", "our", "place", ")", "."],
ok(inputs.length == outputs.length);
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var result = RiTa.tokenize(inputs[i]);
deepEqual(result, outputs[i]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(""), [""]);
var txt = "The dog";
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt), ["The", "dog"]);
// contractions -------------------------
var txt1 = "Dr. Chan is talking slowly with Mr. Cheng, and they're friends."; // strange but same as RiTa-java
var txt2 = "He can't didn't couldn't shouldn't wouldn't eat.";
var txt3 = "Shouldn't he eat?";
var txt4 = "It's not that I can't.";
var txt5 = "We've found the cat.";
var txt6 = "We didn't find the cat.";
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt1), ["Dr", ".", "Chan", "is", "talking", "slowly", "with", "Mr", ".", "Cheng", ",", "and", "they're", "friends", "."]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt2), ["He", "can't", "didn't", "couldn't", "shouldn't", "wouldn't", "eat", "."]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt3), ["Shouldn't", "he", "eat", "?"]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt4), ["It's", "not", "that", "I", "can't", "."]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt5), ["We've", "found", "the", "cat", "."]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt6), ["We", "didn't", "find", "the", "cat", "."]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt1), ["Dr", ".", "Chan", "is", "talking", "slowly", "with", "Mr", ".", "Cheng", ",", "and", "they", "are", "friends", "."]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt2), ["He", "can", "not", "did", "not", "could", "not", "should", "not", "would", "not", "eat", "."]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt3), ["Should","not", "he", "eat", "?"]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt4), ["It", "is", "not", "that", "I", "can", "not", "."]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt5), ["We","have", "found", "the", "cat", "."]);
deepEqual(RiTa.tokenize(txt6), ["We", "did", "not", "find", "the", "cat", "."]);
var input = 'The boy screamed, "Where is my apple?"';
var expected = ["The", "boy", "screamed", ",", "\"", "Where", "is", "my", "apple", "?", "\""];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = 'The boy screamed, \u201CWhere is my apple?\u201D';
var expected = ["The", "boy", "screamed", ",", "\u201C", "Where", "is", "my", "apple", "?", "\u201D"];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "The boy screamed, 'Where is my apple?'";
var expected = ["The", "boy", "screamed", ",", "'", "Where", "is", "my", "apple", "?", "'"];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "The boy screamed, \u2018Where is my apple?\u2019";
var expected = ["The", "boy", "screamed", ",", "\u2018", "Where", "is", "my", "apple", "?", "\u2019"];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "dog, e.g. the cat.";
var expected = ["dog", ",", "e.g.", "the", "cat", "."];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "dog, i.e. the cat.";
var expected = ["dog", ",", "i.e.", "the", "cat", "."];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "What does e.g. mean? E.g. is used to introduce a few examples, not a complete list.";
var expected = ["What", "does", "e.g.", "mean", "?", "E.g.", "is", "used", "to", "introduce", "a", "few", "examples", ",", "not", "a", "complete", "list", "."];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = "What does i.e. mean? I.e. means in other words.";
var expected = ["What", "does", "i.e.", "mean", "?", "I.e.", "means", "in", "other", "words", "."];
var output = RiTa.tokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
test("testUntokenize", function () {
var expected = "We should consider the students' learning";
var input = ["We", "should", "consider", "the", "students", "'", "learning" ];
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
equal(RiTa.untokenize([""]), "");
var expected = "The boy, dressed in red, ate an apple.";
var input = ["The", "boy", ",", "dressed", "in", "red", ",", "ate",
"an", "apple", "."];
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var expected = "We should consider the students\u2019 learning";
var input = ["We", "should", "consider", "the", "students", "\u2019", "learning" ];
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var expected = "The boy screamed, 'Where is my apple?'";
var input = ["The", "boy", "screamed", ",", "'", "Where", "is", "my", "apple", "?", "'"];
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var outputs = ["A simple sentence.",
"that's why this is our place).",
var inputs = [
["A", "simple", "sentence", "."],
["that's", "why", "this", "is", "our", "place", ")", "."],
ok(inputs.length == outputs.length);
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var result = RiTa.untokenize(inputs[i]);
deepEqual(result, outputs[i]);
var expected = "Dr. Chan is talking slowly with Mr. Cheng, and they're friends."; // strange but same as RiTa-java
var input = ["Dr", ".", "Chan", "is", "talking", "slowly", "with", "Mr", ".", "Cheng", ",", "and", "they're", "friends", "."];
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = ["why", "?", "Me", "?", "huh", "?", "!"];
var expected = "why? Me? huh?!";
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = ["123", "123", "1", "2", "3", "1", ",", "1", "1", ".", "1", "23", ".", "45", ".", "67", "22/05/2012", "12th", "May", ",", "2012"];
var expected = "123 123 1 2 3 1, 1 1. 1 23. 45. 67 22/05/2012 12th May, 2012";
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = ['"', 'Oh', 'God', ',', '"', 'he', 'thought', '.'];
var expected = '"Oh God," he thought.';
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var expected = "The boy screamed, 'Where is my apple?'";
var input = ["The", "boy", "screamed", ",", "'", "Where", "is", "my", "apple", "?", "'"];
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = ['She', 'screamed', ',', '"', 'Oh', 'God', '!', '"'];
var expected = 'She screamed, "Oh God!"';
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = ['She', 'screamed', ':', '"', 'Oh', 'God', '!', '"'];
var expected = 'She screamed: "Oh God!"';
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var input = [ "\"", "Oh", ",", "God", "\"", ",", "he", "thought", ",", "\"", "not", "rain", "!", "\""];
var expected = "\"Oh, God\", he thought, \"not rain!\"";
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var expected = "The student said 'learning is fun'";
var input = ["The", "student", "said", "'", "learning", "is", "fun", "'"];
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var expected = "dog, e.g. the cat.";
var input = ["dog", ",", "e.g.", "the", "cat", "."];
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var expected = "dog, i.e. the cat.";
var input = ["dog", ",", "i.e.", "the", "cat", "."];
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var expected = "What does e.g. mean? E.g. is used to introduce a few examples, not a complete list.";
var input = ["What", "does", "e.g.", "mean", "?", "E.g.", "is", "used", "to", "introduce", "a", "few", "examples", ",", "not", "a", "complete", "list", "."];
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
var expected = "What does i.e. mean? I.e. means in other words.";
var input = ["What", "does", "i.e.", "mean", "?", "I.e.", "means", "in", "other", "words", "."];
var output = RiTa.untokenize(input);
deepEqual(output, expected);
test("testTokenizeAndBack", function () {
var testStrings = [
"The student said 'learning is fun'",
"The boy screamed, 'Where is my apple?'",
'The boy screamed, "Where is my apple?"',
"We should consider the students' learning.",
"We should consider the students\u2019 learning.",
'"Where is my apple," screamed the boy.',
'"Where is my apple?" screamed the boy.',
'(that\'s why this is our place).',
'A simple sentence.',
'The boy, dressed in red, ate an apple.',
"Dr. Chan is talking slowly with Mr. Cheng, and they're friends.",
"He can't didn't couldn't shouldn't wouldn't eat.",
"Shouldn't he eat?",
"It's not that I can't.",
"We've found the cat.",
"We didn't find the cat.",
"dog, e.g. the cat.",
"dog, i.e. the cat.",
"What does e.g. mean? E.g. is used to introduce a few examples, not a complete list.",
"What does i.e. mean? I.e. means in other words."
for (var i = 0; i < testStrings.length; i++) {
var tokens = RiTa.tokenize(testStrings[i]);
var output = RiTa.untokenize(tokens);
equal(output, testStrings[i]);
test("testDistance", function () {
equal(1, RiTa.distance(1, 3, 2, 3));
equal(28, RiTa.distance(30, 1, 2, 1));
equal(5.656854249492381, RiTa.distance(0, 0, 4, 4));
equal(5.0990195135927845, RiTa.distance(3, 3, 8, 4));
test("testRandom", function () {
// float random()
var answer = RiTa.random();
ok(answer >= 0, answer);
var answer2 = RiTa.random();
ok(answer2 < 1, answer2);
// int random(int max)
var answer = RiTa.random(50);
ok(answer >= 0);
var answer2 = RiTa.random(50);
ok(answer2 < 50);
answer = RiTa.random(1);
ok(answer >= 0);
answer2 = RiTa.random(1);
ok(answer2 < 1);
answer = RiTa.random(2);
ok(answer >= 0);
answer2 = RiTa.random(2);
ok(answer2 < 2);
answer = RiTa.random(0);
ok(answer == 0);
// int random(int min, int max)
var answer = RiTa.random(10, 34);
ok(answer >= 10);
var answer2 = RiTa.random(10, 34);
ok(answer2 < 34);
answer = RiTa.random(1, 2);
ok(answer >= 1);
answer2 = RiTa.random(1, 2);
ok(answer2 < 2);
answer = RiTa.random(1, 3);
ok(answer >= 1);
answer2 = RiTa.random(1, 3);
ok(answer2 < 3);
answer = RiTa.random(0, 0);
ok(answer == 0);
answer = RiTa.random(5, 1); //"min > max"
ok(answer >= 1);
answer2 = RiTa.random(0, 0);
ok(answer2 < 5);
// float random(float max)
var answer = RiTa.random(12.3);
ok(answer >= 0);
var answer2 = RiTa.random(12.3);
ok(answer2 < 12.3);
answer = RiTa.random(1.1);
ok(answer >= 0);
answer2 = RiTa.random(1.1);
ok(answer2 < 1.1);
answer = RiTa.random(1.2);
ok(answer >= 0);
answer2 = RiTa.random(1.2);
ok(answer2 < 1.2);
answer = RiTa.random(0);
ok(answer == 0);
// float random(float min, float max)
var answer = RiTa.random(3.4, 3.6);
ok(answer >= 3.4);
var answer2 = RiTa.random(3.4, 3.6);
ok(answer2 < 3.6);
answer = RiTa.random(1.1, 1.2);
ok(answer >= 1.1);
answer2 = RiTa.random(1.1, 1.2);
ok(answer2 < 1.2);
answer = RiTa.random(1.1, 1.3);
ok(answer >= 1.1);
answer2 = RiTa.random(1.1, 1.3);
ok(answer2 < 1.3);
answer = RiTa.random(0, 0);
ok(answer == 0);
answer = RiTa.random(5.1, 1.1); //TODO "min > max"
ok(answer >= 1.1);
answer2 = RiTa.random(0, 0);
ok(answer2 < 5.1);
test("testGetPhonemes", function () {
var result = RiTa.getPhonemes("");
var answer = "";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPhonemes("The");
var answer = "dh-ah";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPhonemes("said");
var answer = "s-eh-d";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPhonemes("The.");
var answer = "dh-ah .";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPhonemes("The boy jumped over the wild dog.");
var answer = "dh-ah b-oy jh-ah-m-p-t ow-v-er dh-ah w-ay-l-d d-ao-g .";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPhonemes("The boy ran to the store.");
var answer = "dh-ah b-oy r-ae-n t-uw dh-ah s-t-ao-r .";
equal(result, answer);
var txt = "The dog ran faster than the other dog. But the other dog was prettier.";
var result = RiTa.getPhonemes(txt);
var answer = "dh-ah d-ao-g r-ae-n f-ae-s-t-er dh-ae-n dh-ah ah-dh-er d-ao-g . b-ah-t dh-ah ah-dh-er d-ao-g w-aa-z p-r-ih-t-iy-er .";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPhonemes("flowers");
var answer = "f-l-aw-er-z";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPhonemes("quiche");
var answer = "k-iy-sh";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPhonemes("mice");
var answer = "m-ay-s";
equal(result, answer);
equal(RiTa.getPhonemes("chevrolet"), "sh-eh-v-r-ow-l-ey");
equal(RiTa.getPhonemes("women"), "w-ih-m-eh-n");
equal(RiTa.getPhonemes("genuine"), "jh-eh-n-y-uw-w-ah-n");
test("testGetPosTags", function () {
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("freed"), [ "jj" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("the top seed"), [ "dt", "jj", "nn" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("by illegal means"), ["in", "jj", "nn"]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("biped"), [ "nn" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("greed"), [ "nn" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("creed"), [ "nn" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("weed"), [ "nn" ]);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("mammal");
var answer = ["nn"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("asfaasd");
var answer = ["nn"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("innings");
var answer = ["nns"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("clothes");
var answer = ["nns"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("clothes");
var answer = ["nns"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("teeth");
var answer = ["nns"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("memories");
var answer = ["nns"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("flunks"), [ "vbz" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("outnumbers"), [ "vbz" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("He outnumbers us"), [ "prp", "vbz", "prp"]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("I outnumber you"), [ "prp", "vbp", "prp" ]);
var resultArr = RiTa.getPosTags("Elephants dance");
var answerArr = [ "nns", "vbp" ];
deepEqual(answerArr, resultArr);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("the boy dances");
var answer = ["dt", "nn", "vbz"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("he dances");
var answer = ["prp", "vbz"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var resultArr = RiTa.getPosTags("Dave dances");
var answerArr = [ "nnp", "vbz" ];
deepEqual(answerArr, resultArr);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("running");
var answer = ["vbg"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("asserting");
var answer = ["vbg"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("assenting");
var answer = ["nn"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("Dave");
var answer = ["nnp"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("They feed the cat");
var answer = ["prp", "vbp", "dt", "nn"];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("There is a cat.");
var answer = ["ex", "vbz", "dt", "nn", "."];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("The boy, dressed in red, ate an apple.");
var answer = ["dt", "nn", ",", "vbn", "in", "jj", ",", "vbd", "dt", "nn", "."];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var txt = "The dog ran faster than the other dog. But the other dog was prettier.";
var result = RiTa.getPosTags(txt);
var answer = ["dt", "nn", "vbd", "rbr", "in", "dt", "jj", "nn", ".", "cc", "dt", "jj", "nn", "vbd", "jjr", "."];
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("");
var answer = [];
deepEqual(result, answer);
// Tests for verb conjugation
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("is"), [ "vbz" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("am"), [ "vbp" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("be"), [ "vb" ]);
result = RiTa.getPosTags("There is a cat.");
answer = [ "ex", "vbz", "dt", "nn", "." ];
deepEqual(result, answer);
result = RiTa.getPosTags("There was a cat.");
answer = [ "ex", "vbd", "dt", "nn", "." ];
deepEqual(result, answer);
result = RiTa.getPosTags("I am a cat.");
answer = [ "prp", "vbp", "dt", "nn", "." ];
deepEqual(result, answer);
result = RiTa.getPosTags("I was a cat.");
answer = [ "prp", "vbd", "dt", "nn", "." ];
deepEqual(result, answer);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("flunk"), [ "vb" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("He flunks the test"), ["prp", "vbz", "dt", "nn"]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("he"), [ "prp" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("outnumber"), [ "vb" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("I outnumbered you"), [ "prp", "vbd", "prp" ]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags("She outnumbered us"), [ "prp", "vbd", "prp"]);
test("testGetPosTags(endsWithS)", function () {
var checks = ["emphasis", "stress", "discus", "colossus", "fibrosis", "digitalis", "pettiness", "mess", "cleanliness", "orderliness", "bronchitis", "preparedness", "highness"];
for (var i = 0, j = checks.length; i < j; i++) {
//if (RiTa.getPosTags(checks[i])[0] !== 'nn')
//console.log(checks[i] + ": " + RiTa.getPosTags(checks[i])[0]);
deepEqual(RiTa.getPosTags(checks[i]), ["nn"]);
test("testGetPosTagsInline", function () {
var result = RiTa.getPosTagsInline("");
var answer = "";
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTagsInline("asdfaasd");
var answer = "asdfaasd/nn";
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTagsInline("clothes");
var answer = "clothes/nns";
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTagsInline("teeth");
var answer = "teeth/nns";
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTagsInline("There is a cat.");
var answer = "There/ex is/vbz a/dt cat/nn .";
deepEqual(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTagsInline("The boy, dressed in red, ate an apple.");
var answer = "The/dt boy/nn , dressed/vbn in/in red/jj , ate/vbd an/dt apple/nn .";
deepEqual(result, answer);
var txt = "The dog ran faster than the other dog. But the other dog was prettier.";
var result = RiTa.getPosTagsInline(txt);
var answer = "The/dt dog/nn ran/vbd faster/rbr than/in the/dt other/jj dog/nn . But/cc the/dt other/jj dog/nn was/vbd prettier/jjr .";
equal(result, answer);
test("testGetStresses", function () {
var result = RiTa.getStresses("");
var answer = "";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getStresses("The emperor had no clothes on");
var answer = "0 1/0/0 1 1 1 1";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getStresses("The emperor had no clothes on.");
var answer = "0 1/0/0 1 1 1 1 .";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getStresses("The emperor had no clothes on. The King is fat.");
var answer = "0 1/0/0 1 1 1 1 . 0 1 1 1 .";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getStresses("to preSENT, to exPORT, to deCIDE, to beGIN");
var answer = "1 1/0 , 1 1/0 , 1 0/1 , 1 0/1";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getStresses("to present, to export, to decide, to begin");
var answer = "1 1/0 , 1 1/0 , 1 0/1 , 1 0/1";
equal(result, answer);
var txt = "The dog ran faster than the other dog. But the other dog was prettier.";
var result = RiTa.getStresses(txt);
var answer = "0 1 1 1/0 1 0 1/0 1 . 1 0 1/0 1 1 1/0/0 .";
equal(result, answer);
equal(RiTa.getStresses("chevrolet"), "0/0/1");
equal(RiTa.getStresses("women"), "1/0");
equal(RiTa.getStresses("genuine"), "1/0/0");
test("testGetWordCount", function () {
var result = RiTa.getWordCount("123 1231 hi");
deepEqual(result, 3);
var result = RiTa.getWordCount("The boy screamed, 'Where is my apple?'");
deepEqual(result, 11);
var result = RiTa.getWordCount("one two three.");
deepEqual(result, 4);
var result = RiTa.getWordCount("I guess the dog ate the baby.");
deepEqual(result, 8);
var result = RiTa.getWordCount("Oh my god, the dog ate the baby!");
deepEqual(result, 10);
var result = RiTa.getWordCount("Which dog ate the baby?");
deepEqual(result, 6);
var result = RiTa.getWordCount("\'Yes, it was a dog that ate the baby\', he said.");
deepEqual(result, 16);
/*test("testPosToWordNet", function() {
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet("nn");
equal("n", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet("nns");
equal("n", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet("vbz");
equal("v", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet("vbz!");
equal("-", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet("aa");
equal("-", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet("rb");
equal("r", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet("rb ");
equal("-", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet(" rb ");
equal("-", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet(" rb ");
//double space
equal("-", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet(" rb");
//double space
equal("-", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet("rb ");
//tab space
equal("-", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet(" rb");
//tab space
equal("-", result);
var result = RiTa.posToWordNet("");
equal("", result);
test("testStem(lancaster)", function () {
var type = 'Lancaster';
var tests = ["run", "runs", "running"];
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
equal(RiTa.stem(tests[i], type), "run");
tests = ["hide", "hides", "hiding"];
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
equal(RiTa.stem(tests[i], type), "hid");
tests = ["take", "takes", "taking"];
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
equal(RiTa.stem(tests[i], type), "tak");
tests = ["become", "becomes", "becoming"];
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
equal(RiTa.stem(tests[i], type), "becom");
equal(RiTa.stem("gases", type), "gas");
equal(RiTa.stem("buses", type), "bus");
equal(RiTa.stem("happiness", type), "happy");
equal(RiTa.stem("terrible", type), "terr");
var test = 'Stemming is funnier than a bummer says the sushi loving computer';
var result = 'stem is funny than a bum say the sush lov comput';
equal(RiTa.stem(test, type), result);
equal(RiTa.stem("cakes", type), "cak");
test("testStem(porter)", function () {
var type = 'Porter';
equal(RiTa.stem("cakes", type), "cake");
var tests = ["run", "runs", "running"];
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
equal(RiTa.stem(tests[i], type), "run");
tests = ["hide", "hides", "hiding"];
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
equal(RiTa.stem(tests[i], type), "hide");
tests = ["take", "takes", "taking"];
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
equal(RiTa.stem(tests[i], type), "take");
equal(RiTa.stem("gases", type), "gase");
equal(RiTa.stem("buses", type), "buse");
equal(RiTa.stem("happiness", type), "happi");
equal(RiTa.stem("joyful", type), "joy");
equal(RiTa.stem("terrible", type), "terribl");
var test = 'Stemming is funnier than a bummer';
var result = 'Stem is funnier than a bummer';
equal(RiTa.stem(test, type), result);
test("testStem(pling)", function () {
var type = 'Pling';
equal(RiTa.stem("cakes", type), "cake");
equal(RiTa.stem("run", type), "run");
equal(RiTa.stem("runs", type), "run");
equal(RiTa.stem("running", type), "running");
equal(RiTa.stem("take", type), "take");
equal(RiTa.stem("takes", type), "take");
equal(RiTa.stem("taking", type), "taking");
equal(RiTa.stem("hide", type), "hide");
equal(RiTa.stem("hides", type), "hide");
equal(RiTa.stem("hiding", type), "hiding");
equal(RiTa.stem("become", type), "become");
equal(RiTa.stem("becomes", type), "become");
equal(RiTa.stem("becoming", type), "becoming");
equal(RiTa.stem("gases", type), "gas");
equal(RiTa.stem("buses", type), "bus");
equal(RiTa.stem("happiness", type), "happiness");
equal(RiTa.stem("terrible", type), "terrible");
var test = "Stemming is funnier than a bummer";
var result = "stemming is funnier than a bummer";
// TODO: RiTa.stem(pling) JS decapitalizes input whereas the java version does not
equal(RiTa.stem(test, type), result);
test("testLTSEngine", function () {
var result = RiTa.getPhonemes("asdfgasdasdasdasdsadasf");
var answer = "ae-s-d-f-g-ah-s-d-ae-s-d-ae-s-d-ae-s-d-s-ao-d-ae-s-f";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getStresses("deMOcracy, dependaBIlity, phoTOgraphy, geOLogy");
var answer = "0/1/0/0 , 0/1/0/1/0/0 , 0/1/0/0 , 0/1/0/0";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getStresses("asdfgasdasdasdasdsadasf");
var answer = "1/0/1/1/1/1/1";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getSyllables("one two three four five");
// numbers are not working also
var answer = "w-ah-n t-uw th-r-iy f-ao-r f-ay-v";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getSyllables("12345");
// numbers are not working also
var answer = "w-ah-n/t-uw/th-r-iy/f-ao-r/f-ay-v";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getSyllables("1 2 3 4 5 ");
// numbers are not working also
var answer = "w-ah-n t-uw th-r-iy f-ao-r f-ay-v";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getPosTags("2");
// numbers are not working also
var answer = "cd";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getSyllables("The three emperor had no clothes on.");
var answer = "dh-ah th-r-iy eh-m/p-er/er hh-ae-d n-ow k-l-ow-dh-z aa-n .";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getSyllables("The 3 emperor had no clothes on.");
var answer = "dh-ah th-r-iy eh-m/p-er/er hh-ae-d n-ow k-l-ow-dh-z aa-n .";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getSyllables("The 3 emperor! Had no clothes, on.");
var answer = "dh-ah th-r-iy eh-m/p-er/er ! hh-ae-d n-ow k-l-ow-dh-z , aa-n .";
equal(result, answer);
var result = RiTa.getSyllables("asdfgasdasdasdasdsadasf");
var answer = "ae-s-d-f/g-ah-s/d-ae-s/d-ae-s/d-ae-s-d/s-ao/d-ae-s-f";
equal(result, answer);
test("testPluralize", function () {
var tests = [
"millennia", "millennium",
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i+=2) {
// uncountable
tests = [
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
equal("blondes", RiTa.pluralize("blonde"));
equal("eyes", RiTa.pluralize("eye"));
equal("blondes", RiTa.pluralize("blond"));
equal("dogs", RiTa.pluralize("dog"));
equal("feet", RiTa.pluralize("foot"));
equal("men", RiTa.pluralize("man"));
equal("beautifuls", RiTa.pluralize("beautiful"));
equal("teeth", RiTa.pluralize("tooth"));
equal("cakes", RiTa.pluralize("cake"));
equal("kisses", RiTa.pluralize("kiss"));
equal("children", RiTa.pluralize("child"));
equal("randomwords", RiTa.pluralize("randomword"));
equal("lice", RiTa.pluralize("louse"));
equal("sheep", RiTa.pluralize("sheep"));
equal("shrimps", RiTa.pluralize("shrimp"));
equal("series", RiTa.pluralize("series"));
equal("mice", RiTa.pluralize("mouse"));
equal("", RiTa.pluralize(""));
equal(RiTa.pluralize("tomato"), "tomatoes");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("toe"), "toes");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("deer"), "deer");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("ox"), "oxen");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("tobacco"), "tobacco");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("cargo"), "cargo");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("golf"), "golf");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("grief"), "grief");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("wildlife"), "wildlife");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("taxi"), "taxis");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("Chinese"), "Chinese");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("bonsai"), "bonsai");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("whiz"), "whizzes");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("prognosis"), "prognoses");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("gas"), "gases");
equal(RiTa.pluralize("bus"), "buses");
equal("crises", RiTa.pluralize("crisis"));
equal("theses", RiTa.pluralize("thesis"));
equal("apotheses", RiTa.pluralize("apothesis"));
equal("stimuli", RiTa.pluralize("stimulus"));
equal("alumni", RiTa.pluralize("alumnus"));
equal("corpora", RiTa.pluralize("corpus"));
equal("menus", RiTa.pluralize("menu"));
equal("hardness", RiTa.pluralize("hardness"));
equal("shortness", RiTa.pluralize("shortness"));
equal("dreariness", RiTa.pluralize("dreariness"));
equal("unwillingness", RiTa.pluralize("unwillingness"));
equal("deer", RiTa.pluralize("deer"));
equal("fish", RiTa.pluralize("fish"));
equal("moose", RiTa.pluralize("moose"));
equal("aquatics", RiTa.pluralize("aquatics"));
equal("mechanics", RiTa.pluralize("mechanics"));
test("testSingularize", function () {
var tests = [
"millennia", "millennium",
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i+=2) {
equal(RiTa.singularize("pleae"), "pleae"); // special-cased in code
equal(RiTa.singularize("whizzes"), "whiz");
equal(RiTa.singularize("selves"), "self");
equal(RiTa.singularize("bookshelves"), "bookshelf");
equal(RiTa.singularize("wheezes"), "wheeze");
equal(RiTa.singularize("diagnoses"), "diagnosis");
equal("minutia", RiTa.singularize("minutia"));
equal("blonde", RiTa.singularize("blondes"));
equal("eye", RiTa.singularize("eyes"));
equal(RiTa.singularize("swine"), "swine");
equal(RiTa.singularize("cognoscenti"), "cognoscenti");
equal(RiTa.singularize("bonsai"), "bonsai");
equal(RiTa.singularize("taxis"), "taxi");
equal(RiTa.singularize("chiefs"), "chief");
equal(RiTa.singularize("monarchs"), "monarch");
equal(RiTa.singularize("lochs"), "loch");
equal(RiTa.singularize("stomachs"), "stomach");
equal(RiTa.singularize("Chinese"), "Chinese");
equal(RiTa.singularize("people"), "person");
equal(RiTa.singularize("monies"), "money");
equal(RiTa.singularize("vertebrae"), "vertebra");
equal(RiTa.singularize("humans"), "human");
equal(RiTa.singularize("germans"), "german");
equal(RiTa.singularize("romans"), "roman");
equal(RiTa.singularize("memoranda"), "memorandum");
equal(RiTa.singularize("data"), "datum");
equal(RiTa.singularize("appendices"), "appendix");
equal(RiTa.singularize("theses"), "thesis");
equal(RiTa.singularize("alumni"), "alumnus");
equal(RiTa.singularize("solos"), "solo");
equal(RiTa.singularize("music"), "music");
equal(RiTa.singularize("oxen"), "ox");
equal(RiTa.singularize("solos"), "solo");
equal(RiTa.singularize("music"), "music");
equal(RiTa.singularize("money"), "money");
equal(RiTa.singularize("beef"), "beef");
equal(RiTa.singularize("tobacco"), "tobacco");
equal(RiTa.singularize("cargo"), "cargo");
equal(RiTa.singularize("golf"), "golf");
equal(RiTa.singularize("grief"), "grief");
equal(RiTa.singularize("cakes"), "cake");
equal("dog", RiTa.singularize("dogs"));
equal("foot", RiTa.singularize("feet"));
equal("tooth", RiTa.singularize("teeth"));
equal("kiss", RiTa.singularize("kisses"));
equal("child", RiTa.singularize("children"));
equal("randomword", RiTa.singularize("randomwords"));
equal("deer", RiTa.singularize("deer"));
equal("sheep", RiTa.singularize("sheep"));
equal("shrimp", RiTa.singularize("shrimps"));
equal(RiTa.singularize("tomatoes"), "tomato");
equal(RiTa.singularize("photos"), "photo");
equal(RiTa.singularize("toes"), "toe");
equal(RiTa.singularize("series"), "series");
equal(RiTa.singularize("oxen"), "ox");
equal(RiTa.singularize("men"), "man");
equal(RiTa.singularize("mice"), "mouse");
equal(RiTa.singularize("lice"), "louse");
equal(RiTa.singularize("children"), "child");
equal(RiTa.singularize("gases"), "gas");
equal(RiTa.singularize("buses"), "bus");
equal(RiTa.singularize("happiness"), "happiness");
equal(RiTa.singularize("crises"), "crisis");
equal(RiTa.singularize("theses"), "thesis");
equal(RiTa.singularize("apotheses"), "apothesis");
equal(RiTa.singularize("stimuli"), "stimulus");
equal(RiTa.singularize("alumni"), "alumnus");
equal(RiTa.singularize("corpora"), "corpus");
equal("man", RiTa.singularize("men"));
equal("woman", RiTa.singularize("women"));
equal("congressman", RiTa.singularize("congressmen"));
equal("alderman", RiTa.singularize("aldermen"));
equal("freshman", RiTa.singularize("freshmen"));
equal("fireman", RiTa.singularize("firemen"));
equal("grandchild", RiTa.singularize("grandchildren"));
equal("menu", RiTa.singularize("menus"));
equal("guru", RiTa.singularize("gurus"));
equal("", RiTa.singularize(""));
equal("hardness", RiTa.singularize("hardness"));
equal("shortness", RiTa.singularize("shortness"));
equal("dreariness", RiTa.singularize("dreariness"));
equal("unwillingness", RiTa.singularize("unwillingness"));
equal("deer", RiTa.singularize("deer"));
equal("fish", RiTa.singularize("fish"));
equal("ooze", RiTa.singularize("ooze"));
equal("ooze", RiTa.singularize("ooze"));
equal("enterprise", RiTa.singularize("enterprises"));
equal("treatise", RiTa.singularize("treatises"));
equal("house", RiTa.singularize("houses"));
equal("chemise", RiTa.singularize("chemises"));
equal("aquatics", RiTa.singularize("aquatics"));
equal("mechanics", RiTa.singularize("mechanics"));
equal("quarter", RiTa.singularize("quarters"));
test("testGetPastParticiple", function () {
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("sleep"), "slept");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("withhold"), "withheld");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("cut"), "cut");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("go"), "gone");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("swim"), "swum");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("would"), "would");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("might"), "might");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("run"), "run");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("speak"), "spoken");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("break"), "broken");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple(""), "");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("awake"), "awoken");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("become"), "became");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("drink"), "drunk");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("plead"), "pled");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("run"), "run");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("shine"), "shone");
// or shined
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("shrink"), "shrunk");
// or shrunken
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("stink"), "stunk");
equal(RiTa.getPastParticiple("study"), "studied");
test("testGetPresentParticiple", function () {
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("sleep"), "sleeping");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("withhold"), "withholding");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("cut"), "cutting");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("go"), "going");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("run"), "running");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("speak"), "speaking");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("break"), "breaking");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("become"), "becoming");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("plead"), "pleading");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("awake"), "awaking");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("study"), "studying");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("lie"), "lying");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("swim"), "swimming");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("run"), "running");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("dig"), "digging");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("set"), "setting");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("speak"), "speaking");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("bring"), "bringing");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("speak"), "speaking");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("study "), "studying");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple(" study"), "studying");
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("study "), "studying");
//double space
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple(" study"), "studying");
//double space
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple("study "), "studying");
//tab space
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple(" study"), "studying");
//tab space
equal(RiTa.getPresentParticiple(""), "");
test("testConcordance", function () {
var data = RiTa.concordance("The dog ate the cat");
equal(Object.keys(data).length, 5);
equal(data["the"], 1);
equal(data["The"], 1);
equal(data["THE"], undefined);
data = RiTa.concordance("The dog ate the cat", {
ignoreCase: false,
ignoreStopWords: false,
ignorePunctuation: false,
equal(Object.keys(data).length, 5); // same results
equal(data["the"], 1);
equal(data["The"], 1);
equal(data["THE"], undefined);
data = RiTa.concordance("The dog ate the cat", {
ignoreCase: true
equal(Object.keys(data).length, 4);
equal(data["the"], 2);
equal(data["The"], undefined);
equal(data["THE"], undefined);
test("testKwic", function () {
var s = "The dog ate the cat. The bear Ate the honey";
var lines = RiTa.kwic(s, "ate");
equal(lines.length, 1);
var opts = {
ignoreCase: true
lines = RiTa.kwic(s, "ate", opts);
equal(lines.length, 2);
test("testConjugate", function () {
// TODO: Check against RiTa-java (why are these all doubling?)
var args = {
number: RiTa.SINGULAR,
s = ["swim", "need", "open"];
a = ["swims", "needs", "opens"];
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
c = RiTa.conjugate(s[i], args);
equal(c, a[i]);
var args = {
number: RiTa.SINGULAR,
person: RiTa.THIRD_PERSON,
passive: true
a = ["is swum", "is needed", "is opened"];
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
c = RiTa.conjugate(s[i], args);
equal(c, a[i]);
var args = {
number: RiTa.SINGULAR,
person: RiTa.FIRST_PERSON,
tense: RiTa.PAST_TENSE
var c = RiTa.conjugate("swim", args);
equal(c, "swam");
var s = ["swim", "need", "open", ""];
var a = ["swam", "needed", "opened", ""];
ok(a.length === s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
var c = RiTa.conjugate(s[i], args);
equal(c, a[i]);
equal("swum", RiTa.getPastParticiple("swim"));
var args = {
number: RiTa.PLURAL,
tense: RiTa.PAST_TENSE
var a = ["swam", "needed", "opened", ""];
ok(a.length === s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
var c = RiTa.conjugate(s[i], args);
equal(c, a[i]);
var args = {
number: RiTa.PLURAL,
a = ["will swim", "will need", "will open", ""];
ok(a.length === s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
c = RiTa.conjugate(s[i], args);
equal(c, a[i]);
var args = {
tense: RiTa.PAST_TENSE,
number: RiTa.SINGULAR,
a = ["swam", "needed", "opened", ""];
ok(a.length === s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
c = RiTa.conjugate(s[i], args);
equal(c, a[i]);
var args = {
tense: RiTa.PAST_TENSE,
number: RiTa.SINGULAR,
person: RiTa.THIRD_PERSON,
a = ["to swim", "to need", "to open", ""];
ok(a.length === s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
c = RiTa.conjugate(s[i], args);
equal(c, a[i]);
var args = {
tense: RiTa.PAST_TENSE,
number: RiTa.SINGULAR,
person: RiTa.THIRD_PERSON,
passive: true
s = ["scorch", "burn", "hit", ""];
a = ["was scorched", "was burned", "was hit", ""];
ok(a.length === s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
c = RiTa.conjugate(s[i], args);
equal(c, a[i]);
s = ["swim", "need", "open", ""];
var args = {
number: RiTa.SINGULAR,
person: RiTa.THIRD_PERSON,
progressive: true
a = ["to be swimming", "to be needing", "to be opening", ""];
ok(a.length === s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
c = RiTa.conjugate(s[i], args);
equal(c, a[i]);
var args = {
number: RiTa.SINGULAR,
person: RiTa.THIRD_PERSON,
perfect: true
a = ["to have swum", "to have needed", "to have opened", ""];
ok(a.length === s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
c = RiTa.conjugate(s[i], args);
equal(c, a[i]);
var args = {
number: RiTa.PLURAL,
tense: RiTa.PAST_TENSE
equal(RiTa.conjugate("barter", args), "bartered");
equal(RiTa.conjugate("run", args), "ran");
s = ["compete", "complete", "eject"];
a = ["competed", "completed", "ejected"];
ok(a.length === s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
c = RiTa.conjugate(s[i], args);
equal(c, a[i]);
} // end runtests
if (typeof exports != 'undefined') runtests();