You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from npc import NPC
import random, re, json
from flask_socketio import emit
I want to have the ability to assign specific behaviors to each room without messing with the main engine
So I'm creating a module for server-side modifications (mods). There is one also for the client.
Their naming convention is roomIdFunction.
The functions are called by the engine at crucial points, only if they exist.
# family room roles
# values are id's of player
familyRoles = {
'wife': "",
'husband': "",
'child1': "",
'child2': "",
'child3': "",
'uncle': "",
'milkman': "",
'boyfriend': ""
lastRhymes = []
rhymingPlayers = {}
beatPlaying = False
paranoidTalk = [
"Hey you",
"There are bots in here",
"Are you a bot?",
"Russia is controlling the bots",
"Are you real?",
"I don't trust you",
"This is weird",
"Prove you are human",
"Have you seen that?",
"That person is a bot",
"Bots everywhere",
"Another bot"
with open("dictionary.json") as fin:
dictionary = json.load(fin)
# cycle through contraints in the consonant room
consonant = 0
def random_between (min, max):
return random.random() * (max-min) + min
VIPList = []
def initMod (io, gameState, DATA, taskmaster):
""" called at the beginning """
print("MOD: Initialized");
# global.rita = require('rita');
# global.gameState = gameState;
# = io;
# global.DATA = DATA;
# //global function ffs
# global.random = function (min, max) {
# return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
# }
# Example of NPC creation and behavior
npc = NPC(io, {
'id': "paranoid",
'nickName': "Anonymous",
'room': "secondFloor",
'x': 23,
'y': 78,
'avatar': 1,
'colors': [2, 2, 1, 5],
'labelColor': "#1e839d"
}, gameState)
def ramble():
print ("ramble")
dice = random_between(0, 100)
if (dice < 40):
npc.behavior = taskmaster.setTimeout(ramble, random_between(7000, 9000))
elif (dice < 60):
npc.move(random_between(17, 113) * 2, random_between(76, 98) * 2)
npc.behavior = taskmaster.setTimeout(ramble, random_between(4000, 8000))
# just wait
npc.behavior = taskmaster.setTimeout(ramble, random_between(1000, 3000));
# to kill the bot
# clearTimeout(npc.behavior)
# npc.delete()
npc.behavior = taskmaster.setTimeout(ramble, random_between(1000, 2000))
def consonant_interval():
global consonant
print (f"consonant_interval: {consonant}")
# aeiou-
if (consonant > 5):
consonant = 0
msg = ""
if (consonant == 0): # a
msg = "All art appalls a fan"
elif (consonant == 1): # e
msg = "Greet her when she enters"
elif (consonant == 2): # i
msg = "I sit ildly till twilight"
elif (consonant == 3): # o
msg = "No stools, no books: work protocol"
elif (consonant == 4): # u
msg = "But truth: dull suburbs turn fun"
elif (consonant == 5): # none
msg = "Tsk, tsk... try my rhythms"
# sends a message to the room
io.emit('nonPlayerTalked', { 'id': "", 'labelColor': "#3e7eb0", 'room': "cnsnntrm", 'message': msg, 'x': 36, 'y': 56 }, room="cnsnntrm")
taskmaster.setInterval(consonant_interval, 60*1000)
# # custom function called on the server side when a player successfully enters or exits the room
# # executed before it's broadcast to the other players
# def experimentsJoin(player, roomId):
# # print("MOD: " + player.nickName + " entered room " + roomId)
# pass
# def experimentsLeave(player, roomId):
# # print("MOD: " + player.nickName + " exited room " + roomId)
# pass
# def experimentsTalkFilter(player, message):
# """ wouldn't it be funny if cetain rooms modified your messages? """
# # print("MOD: " + player.nickName + " said " + message);
# # message = re.sub('[aeiou]', '', message, flags=re.I)
# # make sure it returns a message
# return message
# # wouldn't it be funny if cetain rooms modified your messages?
# def VIPRoomTalkFilter(player, message):
# # print("MOD: " + player.nickName + " said " + message);
# message = rita.getPhonemes(message)
# message = message.replace(/-/g, "")
# # make sure it returns a message
# return message
# # wouldn't it be funny if cetain rooms modified your messages?
# def cnsnntrmTalkFilter(player, message):
# # print("MOD: " + player.nickName + " said " + message)
# if (global.consonant == 0) # a
# message = message.replace(/[eiou]/ig, 'a');
# if (global.consonant == 1) # e
# message = message.replace(/[aiou]/ig, 'e');
# if (global.consonant == 2) # i
# message = message.replace(/[aeou]/ig, 'i');
# if (global.consonant == 3) # o
# message = message.replace(/[aeiu]/ig, 'o');
# if (global.consonant == 4) # u
# message = message.replace(/[aeio]/ig, 'u');
# if (global.consonant == 5) # none
# message = message.replace(/[aeiou]/ig, '');
# //make sure it returns a message
# return message;
# }
# //words can only be used once
# module.exports.censorshipRoomTalkFilter = function (player, message) {
# //create a list of censored words
# if (global.forbiddenWords == null) {
# global.forbiddenWords = [];
# }
# //strip special characters
# message = message.replace(/[`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, '');
# //break down the message into words
# var words = message.split(" ");
# var censoredMessage = "";
# //check each single word
# for (var j = 0; j < words.length; j++) {
# /*
# //remove repeated character if they occur more than twice like hellooooo > hello
# var word = words[j];
# var pChar = "";
# var ppChar = "";
# var newWord = "";
# for (var k = 0; k < word.length; k++) {
# var newChar = word[k];
# if (pChar == "" || ppChar == "" || !(newChar == ppChar && newChar == pChar)) {
# newWord += newChar;
# }
# ppChar = pChar;
# pChar = newChar;
# }
# */
# var newWord = words[j];
# //found, censor
# if (forbiddenWords.indexOf(newWord.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
# var l = newWord.length;
# var bleep = "";
# for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
# bleep += "*";
# }
# censoredMessage += bleep;
# }
# else {
# censoredMessage += newWord;
# //not found add
# forbiddenWords.push(newWord.toLowerCase());
# }
# if (j < words.length - 1)
# censoredMessage += " ";
# }
# return censoredMessage;
# }
# module.exports.rhymeRoomTalkFilter = function (player, message) {
# //
# if (global.beat == null)
# global.beat = 1;
# var arr = message.split(" ");
# var lastWord = "";
# if (arr.length > 0)
# lastWord = arr[arr.length - 1].toLowerCase();
# //extended dictionary
# var exists = global.dictionary.indexOf(lastWord) != -1;
# var first = false;
# var lastRhyme = "";
# var used = false;
# if (global.lastRhymes.length == 0)
# first = true;
# else {
# used = global.lastRhymes.indexOf(lastWord) != -1;
# lastRhyme = global.lastRhymes[global.lastRhymes.length - 1].toLowerCase();
# }
# if (exists && !used) {
# var rhymes = false;
# //not first check the rhym
# if (!first)
# rhymes = global.rita.isRhyme(lastWord, lastRhyme);
# //start the battle
# if (first || rhymes) {
# if (global.beatPlaying == false) {
#"rhymeRoom").emit('musicOn', global.beat);
# global.beatPlaying = true;
# }
# global.lastRhymes.push(lastWord);
# //create the rhyming player score
# if (global.rhymingPlayers[player.nickName] == null)
# global.rhymingPlayers[player.nickName] = 0;
# //calculate the score by counting the real words
# //skip the first
# if (global.lastRhymes.length > 1) {
# for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
# if (global.rita.containsWord(arr[i]))
# global.rhymingPlayers[player.nickName]++;
# }
# }
# //console.log("YEAH " + player.nickName + " " + lastWord + "! Words uttered " + global.rhymingPlayers[player.nickName]);
# clearTimeout(global.rhymeTime);
# global.rhymeTime = setTimeout(function () {
# //console.log("Rhyme timeout");
# //send to everybody in the room
# global.beatPlaying = false;
# //change record
# global.beat++;
# if (global.beat > 3)
# global.beat = 1;
# var highscore = 0;
# var winner = "";
# //find high score
# for (var nn in global.rhymingPlayers) {
# if (global.rhymingPlayers[nn] >= 4 && global.rhymingPlayers[nn] > highscore) {
# winner = nn;
# highscore = global.rhymingPlayers[nn];
# }
# }
# global.lastRhymes = [];
# global.rhymingPlayers = {};
# if (winner != "") {
#"rhymeRoom").emit('godMessage', winner + " wins!" + highscore + " words uttered");
# }
# }, 8000);
# return message;
# }//doesn't ryme
# else {
# return "...";
# }
# }//doesn't exist
# else {
# return "...";
# }
# }
# //if enters when music is playing sent
# module.exports.rhymeRoomJoin = function (playerObject, roomId) {
# if (io.sockets.sockets[] != null && global.beatPlaying) {
# io.sockets.sockets[].emit('musicEnter', global.beat);
# }
# }
# //if enters when music is playing sent
# module.exports.rhymeRoomLeave = function (playerObject, roomId) {
# if (io.sockets.sockets[] != null) {
# io.sockets.sockets[].emit('musicExit');
# }
# }
# module.exports.darkRoomTalkFilter = function (player, message) {
# //I should declare them at the init but whatev
# var nouns = ["ass", "climax", "coitus", "boner", "booty", "threesome", "tush", "lust", "orgy", "libido", "dildo", "kink",
# "porno", "buttplug", "cunnilingus", "cybersex", "sex", "cum", "orgasm", "quickie", "intercourse", "cock", "penis", "dick", "pussy", "fanny", "vagina", "clit", "butt"];
# var verbs = ["love", "shag", "mate", "seduce", "hook up", "hump", "arouse", "fornicate", "erect", "get some", "bone", "bang", "fuck", "lick", "suck", "cum", "penetrate", "screw", "sodomize", "arouse", "kiss", "pet", "masturbate", "come"];
# var arr = rita.tokenize(message);
# var replaced = false;
# for (var i = 0; i < arr.length && !replaced; i++) {
# var word = arr[i];
# //skip verbs 50% since they are more likely to come before nouns
# if (rita.isVerb(word) && Math.random() < 0.5) {
# arr[i] = rita.randomItem(verbs);
# replaced = true;
# }
# if (rita.isNoun(word)) {
# arr[i] = rita.randomItem(nouns);
# replaced = true;
# }
# }
# return arr.join(" ");
# }
# //player enters family room roles are assigned by the server
# module.exports.familyRoomJoin = function (playerObject, roomId) {
# var foundRole = false;
# for (var roleId in global.familyRoles) {
# //role not assigned
# if (global.familyRoles[roleId] == "" && !foundRole) {
# foundRole = true;
# global.familyRoles[roleId] =;
# console.log( + " becomes " + roleId);
# }
# }
# if (!foundRole)
# console.log( + " becomes a fly");
# //assign a new role and send all the roles to the room
#"familyRoom").emit('updateRoles',, global.familyRoles);
# //"familyRoom").emit('assignRole', { id:, roleId: "wife", roleLabel: "Wife", rolePrompt: "You are feeling frustrated" });
# //send the existing roles
# }
# //exit > free up the role
# //player enters family room roles are assigned by the server
# module.exports.familyRoomLeave = function (playerObject, roomId) {
# for (var roleId in global.familyRoles) {
# //role not assigned
# if (global.familyRoles[roleId] == {
# global.familyRoles[roleId] = "";
# console.log(roleId + " is now free");
# }
# }
# //I don't need to send updated roles
# //"familyRoom").emit('updateRoles',, global.familyRoles);
# }
# //mute spectators on the server-side
# module.exports.familyRoomTalkFilter = function (player, message) {
# var spectator = true;
# for (var roleId in global.familyRoles) {
# //role assigned
# if (global.familyRoles[roleId] == {
# spectator = false;
# }
# }
# if (spectator)
# return "zzzz";
# else
# return message;
# }
# module.exports.VIPRoomJoin = function (playerObject, roomId) {
# //console.log(playerObject.nickName + " enters the VIP room");
# //...
# global.VIPList.push(;
# if (global.VIPList.length > 3) {
# var expelled = global.VIPList.shift();
# //force leave
# if (io.sockets.sockets[expelled] != null) {
# this.transferPlayer(expelled, "VIPRoom", "likelikeOutside", 121 * 2, 89 * 2);
#'godMessage', "Sorry, we had to expel you to make room for " + playerObject.nickName);
# }
# }
# }
# module.exports.VIPRoomIntro = function (newComerId, introObj) {
# //the problem with the auto expulsion in VIPRoom is that the intro is sent before it's the other person is expelled
# //so the intros arrive too late creating ghosts.
# //since the server has the real list I can override the intro after the fact and expel the ghost. Ugly but necessary.
# //console.log("Obsolete intro? " + gameState.players[].room);
# if (gameState.players[].room != "VIPRoom")
#"VIPRoom").emit("playerLeft", { id:, room: "VIPRoom", disconnect: false });
# }
# //force change room
# module.exports.transferPlayer = function (playerId, from, to, x, y) {
# //console.log(playerId + " is transfered to " + to);
# var s = io.sockets.sockets[playerId];
# var p = gameState.players[playerId];
# if (s != null)
# if ( != null) {
# //var from =;
# s.leave(from);
# s.join(to);
# //broadcast the change to everybody in the current room
# //from the client perspective leaving the room is the same as disconnecting
#"playerLeft", { id: playerId, room: from, disconnect: false });
# //same for joining, sending everybody in the room the player state
# = to;
# p.x = p.destinationX = x;
# p.y = p.destinationY = y;
# = false;
# //check if there is a custom function in the MOD to call at this point
# if (this[from + "Leave"] != null) {
# //call it!
# this[from + "Leave"](p, from);
# }
#"playerJoined", p);
# //check if there is a custom function in the MOD to call at this point
# if (this[to + "Join"] != null) {
# //call it!
# this[to + "Join"](p, to);
# }
# //check if there are NPCs in this room and make them send info to the player
# for (var NPCId in gameState.NPCs) {
# var npc = gameState.NPCs[NPCId];
# if ( == to) {
# npc.sendIntroTo(playerId);
# }
# }
# }
# }
# //if a player leaves the room on their own accord make sure they are removed from the list as well
# module.exports.VIPRoomLeave = function (playerObject, roomId) {
# //console.log(playerObject.nickName + " exits the VIP room");
# var index = global.VIPList.indexOf(;
# if (index !== -1) {
# global.VIPList.splice(index, 1);
# }
# }
# //a client can send generic action request to the server
# //the action logic is defined in functions named "on"+ActionId like this one
# //I don't want a hacked client to be able to call whatever function exists on the server mod hence the naming
# //and I want send only an id without arguments to force all my logic here on the server side
# module.exports.onTVInteract = function (pId) {
# //console.log("Action onTVInteract called by " + pId);
# //a persistent change to the game state: change the DATA sent to the new players
# //*persistent until server restarts
# var TVState = !DATA.ROOMS.familyRoom.things.TV.visible;
# //change the visibility
# DATA.ROOMS.familyRoom.things.TV.visible = TVState;
# //send a thing update too ALL clients, changing the client data and telling them to delete and recreate the sprite if they are in the room
# io.sockets.emit("thingChanged", { thingId: "TV", room: "familyRoom", property: "visible", value: TVState });
# }