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var Filter = require('../lib/badwords.js'),
filter = new Filter(),
assert = require('better-assert');
describe('filter', function(){
it('Should replace a bad word within a sentence asterisks (******)',function(){
console.log(filter.clean('Don\'t be an ash0le'));
assert(filter.clean('Don\'t be an ash0le') === 'Don\'t be an ******');
it('Should replace multiple instances of any bad words within a sentence asterisks (******)',function(){
assert(filter.clean('cnts ash0le knob xxx') === '**** ****** **** ***');
it('Should not replace anything within a sentence if there are no bad words',function(){
assert(filter.clean('The cat ran fast') === 'The cat ran fast');
it('Should replace a string with proper placeholder when overridden', function(){
var customFilter = new Filter({ placeHolder: 'x'});
assert(customFilter.clean('This is a hells good test') === 'This is a xxxxx good test');
it('Should allow an instance of filter with an empty blacklist', function() {
var customFilter = new Filter({
emptyList: true
assert(customFilter.clean('This is a hells good test') === 'This is a hells good test');
it('Should tokenize words according to regex word boundaries',function(){
assert(filter.clean('what a bitch...fuck you') === 'what a *****...**** you');
assert(filter.clean('<p>Don\'t be an asshole</p>') === '<p>Don\'t be an *******</p>');
xit('Should filter words that are derivatives of words from the filter blacklist', function() {
assert(filter.clean('shitshit') === '********');
it('Shouldn\'t filter words that aren\'t profane.', function() {
assert(filter.clean('hello there') === 'hello there');