require('assert'); var Filter = require('../lib/badwords.js'), filter = new Filter(), assert = require('better-assert'); describe('filter', function(){ describe('isProfane',function(){ it("Should detect a bad word and return a boolean value",function(){ assert(filter.isProfane("ash0le")); }); it("Should return false when no bad word is detected",function(){ assert(filter.isProfane("wife") === false); }); it("Should be able to detect a bad word in a sentence",function(){ assert(filter.isProfane("that person is an ash0le")); }); it('Filters out special characters appropriately', function() { assert(filter.isProfane("You're an asshole^ you are")); }); it('Should detect filtered words from badwords-list', function(){ assert(filter.isProfane('willies')); }); it('Should detect filtered words regardless of type case', function() { var filter = new Filter({ list: ['Test'] }); assert(filter.isProfane('test')); }); it('Should tokenize words according to regex word boundaries', function() { assert(filter.isProfane("that person is an\nasshole")); }); it('Should detect bad word phrases', function () { filter.addWords('oh no'); assert(filter.isProfane("oh no! this is profane!")); }); }); });