You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

115 lines
6.3 KiB

//settings are just variables that can be sent to the client from the server
//they are either related to the rooms or shared with the server
module.exports.SETTINGS = {
//if not specified by the url where is the starting point
defaultRoom: "likelikeOutside",
//minimum time between talk messages enforced by both client and server
ANTI_SPAM: 1000,
//shows up at first non lurking login
INTRO_TEXT: "Click/tap to move"
module.exports.ROOMS = {
likelike: {
//the background graphics, it can be a spreadsheet
bg: "likelike-bg.png",
//if spreadsheet frames
frames: 2,
//if animated, animation speed in refreshes (frame dependent)
frameDelay: 30,
//normally 2, avatars can be scaled to simulate camera distance
avatarScale: 2,
//a shade to tint the avatars to simulate light color, #FFFFFF normal
tint: "#fa84af",
//the html body color can be changed
pageBg: "#6a2545",
//minimum height for the speech bubbles
bubblesY: 50,
//if spawning directly in this room, top left and bottom right point defining the rectangular spawn area (random within it)
spawn: [84, 92, 121, 99],
//graphics with active areas Sierra Online adventures style
//color coded as below, #FFFFFF is walkable, transparent is obstacle
area: "likelike-areas.png",
//each color can trigger a command, the destination needs to be reached first
//the "h" is replaced by # to identify color
areaColors: {
//enter command changes room
//room: id of the room to enter
//label: what to display on rollover
//point: where to walk after click
//enterPoint: where to spawn in the next room
//obstacle: is the area walkable
hffec27: { cmd: "enter", room: "likelikeBackyard", label: "Backyard", point: [6, 88], enterPoint: [116, 69], obstacle: false },
h00e436: { cmd: "enter", room: "likelikeOutside", label: "Street", point: [102, 98], enterPoint: [103, 84], obstacle: false },
//text displays a text only on the client
//txt: the text
//align: center or left
//lines: manual number of lines, p5 doesn't understand line breaks
//url: uptionally open a page on click
hff004d: { cmd: "text", txt: "OUR DAMNED MACHINE\nby Sophie Houlden, 2018\nClick on the frame to start.\nWASD or Arrow keys to move.", align: "left", lines: 4, url: "", label: "A dystopian game", point: [34, 78], obstacle: true },
hff77a8: { cmd: "text", txt: "CONTINENTAL DRIFT\nby Cecile Richard, 2019\nWASD or Arrow keys to move.\nClick to play.", align: "left", lines: 4, url: "", label: "An intimate game", point: [64, 78], obstacle: true },
hffccaa: { cmd: "text", txt: "SPIRAL HOUSE\nby Withering Systems (Everest Pipkin and Loren Schmidt), 2018\nWASD or Arrow keys to move.\nClick to play.", align: "left", lines: 5, url: "", label: "An abstract game", point: [92, 78], obstacle: true },
hab5236: { cmd: "text", txt: "ALMANAC OF GIRLSWAMPWAR TERRITORY\nby porpentine charity heartscape, 2018\nWASD or Arrow keys to move.\nClick to play.", align: "left", lines: 5, url: "", label: "A mutant game", point: [110, 82], obstacle: true },
h83769c: { cmd: "text", txt: "MOSS AS TEXTURE AS SPACE\nFOLDING ONTO ITSELF\nby Pol Clarissou, 2019\nWASD or Arrow keys to move.\nClick to play.", align: "left", lines: 5, url: "", label: "A mossy game", point: [16, 82], obstacle: true },
hffa300: { cmd: "text", txt: "LIKELIKE\npresents:\nAn Itsy Bitsy Crisis\nCatastrophes and Rebirths in Bitsy", align: "center", lines: 4, label: "Wall text", point: [119, 95], obstacle: false }
//array of sprites to create in the room
//sprites are rendered according to depth sort so they can appear above the avatars unlike the background
//they can be animated, mouse reactive and trigger commands like the areas above
sprites: [
//sprite spreadsheets only 1 row ok?
{ file: "top-cabinet.png", frames: 1, frameDelay: 1, position: [24, 89], label: "A time traveling game", command: { cmd: "text", txt: "THE LAST HUMAN TOUCH\nby Cephalopodunk, 2018\nWASD or Arrow keys to move.\nClick to play.", align: "left", lines: 4, url: "", label: "A time traveling game", point: [33, 92] } }
likelikeOutside: {
bg: "likelikeOutside-bg.png",
frames: 2,
frameDelay: 30,
avatarScale: 2,
pageBg: "#ab5236",
area: "likelikeOutside-areas.png",
tint: "#fdeac8",
bubblesY: 44,
spawn: [14, 84, 119, 92],
areaColors: {
//h will be replaced by #
hff77a8: { cmd: "enter", room: "likelike", label: "Enter LIKELIKE", point: [100, 84], enterPoint: [104, 98], obstacle: false },
likelikeBackyard: {
bg: "likelike-backyard.png",
frames: 2,
frameDelay: 30,
avatarScale: 2,
area: "likelike-backyard-areas.png",
tint: "#fdbe4e",
pageBg: "#413830",
bubblesY: 20,
spawn: [38, 63, 108, 83],
areaColors: {
//h will be replaced by #
hff77a8: { cmd: "enter", room: "likelike", label: "Enter LIKELIKE", point: [119, 69], enterPoint: [5, 88], obstacle: false },
sprites: [
//spreadsheets only 1 row ok?
{ file: "harvey.png", frames: 2, frameDelay: 10, position: [102, 77], label: "Harvey", command: { cmd: "text", txt: "*You pet the dog*", align: "center", lines: 1, point: [101, 84] } },
{ file: "likelike-backyard-chairs.png", position: [33, 44] },
//just an empty room for testing mods
experiments: {
bg: "experiments-bg.png",
avatarScale: 2,
pageBg: "#bfaeae",
area: "experiments-areas.png",
tint: "#FFFFFF",
bubblesY: 50,
spawn: [15, 77, 113, 96]