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Radio Implicancies is a weekly broadcast of recorded and live
matter brought to you by Piet Zwart Institute's Experimental
Publishing programme. Radio Implicancies starts in the
middle. Each broadcast means to engage with the way
technologies are worlding the world. Take a deep breath and
jump in on other ways of calculating, validating, ordering
and framing collections of digital material. Let’s not wait
for tomorrow to pay attention to the colonial conditionings
of contemporary techno-cultures!
<div class="sec_title_contributors">
<div class="contributors_names">
Avital Barkai, Damlanur Bilgin, Sandra Golubjevaite, Tisa
Neža Herlec, Mark van den Heuvel, Max Lehmann, Mika
Motskobili, Clara Noseda, Anna Sandri, Ioana Tomici, Michael
Murtaugh, Femke Snelting
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RADIO IMPLICANCIES #12.6 ∿∿∿∿ ∿∿∿∿ <br>
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<li id="track_6_10"> ⟫⟫ information_is_power ⊰ Ioana ⊰ 34" </li>
<li id="track_6_1"> ℑ Tra.ol ⊰ Mika ⊰ 4'49" </li>
<li id="track_6_2"> ⟫⟫ quest a / a quest ⊰ Avital ⊰ 9'10" </li>
<li id="track_6_3"> ℑ a_memory_inside_a_plastic_card ⊰ Sandra ⊰ 4'34" </li>
<li id="track_6_4"> ⟫⟫ Democracy (60 Hz Gamma Waves for faster learning) ⊰ Clara ⊰ 5'58" </li>
<li id="track_6_8"> ℑ count ⊰ Mark ⊰ 25" </li>
<li id="track_6_5"> ⟫⟫ Imagine ⊰ Tisa ⊰ 4'16" </li>
<li id="track_6_7"> ℑ amen_generator ⊰ Mark ⊰ 41" </li>
<li id="track_6_6"> ⟫⟫ Dubbyright ⊰ Max ⊰ 4'13" </li>
<li id="track_6_9"> ℑ iamnotsure ⊰ Mark ⊰ 28" </li>
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<div class="schedule_05"> <span class="misterpixel">à</span> playlist <span class="misterpixel">à</span>
<div id="table_content_05">
<li id="track_5_1"><span class="numbers_table_content_05">1</span> Do.as, Mika, 5'17" </li>
<li id="track_5_2"><span class="numbers_table_content_05">2</span> a_smile, Sandra, 10'22"</li>
<li id="track_5_3"><span class="numbers_table_content_05">3</span> Nat King Cole - Daisy Bell (1963), Mark, 37'' </li>
<li id="track_5_4"><span class="numbers_table_content_05">4</span> HAL 9000 - Daisy Bell (taken from 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968), Mark, 2'15" </li>
<li id="track_5_5"><span class="numbers_table_content_05">5</span> Bonzi Buddi - Daisy Bell (1999), Mark, 51" </li>
<li id="track_5_6"><span class="numbers_table_content_05">6</span> John Kelly, Carol Lockbaum & Max Mathews - Daisy Bell (1961), Mark, 42" </li>
<li id="track_5_7"><span class="numbers_table_content_05">7</span> Christopher C. Capon & C64 floppy disk drive - Daisy Bell (1985), Mark, 57"</li>
<li id="track_5_8"><span class="numbers_table_content_05">8</span> Gerald Adams - Daisy Bell (1893), Mark, 43" </li>
<li id="track_5_9"><span class="numbers_table_content_05">9</span> Immortal, Damla, 2'35" </li>
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PROGRAMME #12.4<br>
04/06 at 16:00 (UTC+2)
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<div id="table_content_04">
<li id="track_4_3">⇢ I can think with my own head ⇢
1'28''⇢ by Tisa ⇢</li>
<li id="track_4_1">⇢ Public Damage No. 2992 ⇢ 2'17''⇢
by Clara ⇢</li>
<li id="track_4_4">⇢ M.su ⇢ 3'51''⇢ by Mika ⇢</li>
<li id="track_4_7">⇢ Generative operations ⇢ 2'20''⇢ by
Tisa ⇢</li>
<li id="track_4_6">⇢ out of reach ⇢ 4'00''⇢ by Anna
<li id="track_4_2">⇢ SupraSignal: An audio piece of the
unseen image ⇢ ~3'⇢ by Ioana ⇢</li>
<li id="track_4_5">⇢ A shift of power ⇢ x'xx''⇢ by
Avital & Max ⇢</li>
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#12.3 - 28/05
<div class="text_above_3">
The third broadcast is a mystery, a myth, a speculation, an
insecurity, a poem perhaps.
<ul id="table_content_03">
<li id="track_3_1">Lever Burns / Mika /
<li id="track_3_2">fnord[ligh!] / Anna /
<li id="track_3_3">The Benefits of Patriarchy / Damla,
Avital / 7'50"</li><span>⚡</span><br>
<li id="track_3_4">we_bleed_like_g_live_snippet / Sandra /
<li id="track_3_5">APMM - AudioProbenMischMaschine / Max /
<li id="track_3_6">Insecurity Hotline / Ioana, Clara, Tisa
/ 10'10"</li><span>⚡</span><br>
<li id="track_3_8">Bird Report / Mark /
<div class="audio_03">
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<div class="sec_title_02">
#12.2 - 21/05
<p>In our second episode of the series we continue to
experiment with technologies of worlding, methods of
story-telling, and encounters of implicancies.</p><br>
<ul id="table_content_02">
<li id="track_2_1">Signals and messages: 1.0 / Damla & mark
/ 1'17"</li><span>&+*</span>
<li id="track_2_2">ZΣΣ/ Mika /
<li id="track_2_3">Signals and Messages: interlude 1 by Sun
Ra/ Damla & mark / 00'42"</li><span>&+*</span>
<li id="track_2_4">Till voices wake us / Max & Anna /
<li id="track_2_5">Signals and Messages: interlude 2 by Sun
Ra / Damla & mark / 00'29"</li><span>&+*</span>
<li id="track_2_6">Angry Women/ Avital & Mika & Sandra /
<li id="track_2_7">Minimax jingle/</li><span>&+*</span>
<li id="track_2_8">Signals and Messages: 2.0 / Mark & Damla
/ 3'50"</li><span>&+*</span>
<li id="track_2_9">Myths mythods mythodologies:part1 /
Ioana & Clara & Tisa / 9'42''</li><span>&+*</span>
<li id="track_2_10">Signals and Messages: outro by Sun Ra /
Mark & Damla / 1'29"</li>
<div class="audio_02">
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"https://pad.xpub.nl/p/implicancies-02" target=
"_blank">pad</a> for resources;</p>
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<div class="sec_title_01">
#12.1 - 14/05
<ul id="table_content_01">
<li id="track_1">Soleil No / Mika / 5'33''</li>
<li id="track_2">Souvenir / Damla / 5'38''</li>
<li id="track_3">Jingle</li>
<li id="track_4">poetry_mini_mix / Sandra / 3'22"</li>
<li id="track_5">sector D4X0 / Max & Ioana / 7'53''</li>
<li id="track_6">Jingle</li>
<li id="track_7">Louis XV will save us all / Clara /
<li id="track_8">Protocall: Do conversations ever end? / Mark
& Tisa / ~10''</li>
<li id="track_9">Synchonisation Piece #1 (a person with a
heartbeat of 72 bpm standing next to person with a heartbeat
of 70 bpm) / Mark / 1'20''</li>
<li id="track_10">Imagining, re-thinking and recording the
world outside / Anna & Avital / 6'21"</li>
<li id="track_11">jingle</li>
<div class="audio_01">
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<p>You can check this <a href=
"https://pad.xpub.nl/p/implicancies-01" target="_blank">pad</a>
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