A Special Issue is a tri-annually released publication created by the XPUB master's students, allowing students and staff to explore not only the individual themes of each edition, but also the definition of what is or can be a publication.

Each Special Issue addresses a specific "issue", often coordinated with outside events and collaborations, and culminates in a release party. The organisation, tools, and workflows are reset every trimester to both allow the rotation of roles within this publishing experiment, but also permit to explore novel collaborative methods beyond their archetypes and stereotypes.

Issue 19
September/December 2022
Garden Leeszaal

Dear gardener librarians, book smellers and textual explorers,
Special Issue 19 is harvested. Welcome! Here every librarian (librarians of their own library) is welcome to garden Leeszaal and discover what this library offers. We will see behind the curtains of how the unwanted books are kept in this library. Leeszaal is not a real library, it's an open-ended story where everyone is a member; a plot waiting to be tended to and tilled. Volunteers sort all the books that people contribute. Some of them aren't going to make it to the shelves. They will end up as a pile of paper in trash bins, waiting to be recycled. And that's ok.
This publication is a momentary snapshot of the current state of a library seen through the metaphor of gardening; pruning, gleaning, growing, grafting and harvesting. Garden Leeszaal is an open conversation; a collective writing tool, a cooperative collage and an archive. We would like to ask everyone to think of the library as a garden. For us, being a gardener means caring; caring for the people and books that form this space.

This experimental publication sprouted in co-production with Simon Browne and the bootleg library, Cara Manuela Mayer Yepez, Irmak Ertaş, Stephen Kerr, Aglaia Petta, Ada Varriale and Boyana Stoilova.


XPUB is the Master of Arts in Fine Art and Design: Experimental Publishing of the Piet Zwart Institute. XPUB focuses on the acts of making things public and creating publics in the age of post-digital networks. XPUB's interests in publishing are twofold:

first, publishing as the inquiry and participation into the technological frameworks, political context and cultural processes through which things are made public;

and second, how these are, or can be, used to create publics by expanding the means of discourse circulation beyond print media and its direct digital translation.
