describe("L.Hash", function() { var map; mocha.ignoreLeaks(); beforeEach(function() { map = new L.Map(document.createElement('div')); }); it('sets a hash when the map is moved', function() { var hash = L.hash(map); map.setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); expect(location.hash)'#13/51.5050/-0.0900'); }); it('uses a hash set initially on the page', function(done) { location.hash = '#13/10/40'; var hash = L.hash(map); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(Math.round(map.getCenter().lat)); expect(Math.round(map.getCenter().lng)); done(); }, 200); }); it('responds to a hash change after an initial hash is set', function(done) { map.setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); location.hash = '#13/20/40'; var hash = L.hash(map); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(Math.round(map.getCenter().lat)); expect(Math.round(map.getCenter().lng)); done(); }, 200); }); it('does not acknowledge a junk hash', function(done) { var hash = L.hash(map); map.setView([51, 2], 13); location.hash = '#foo'; window.setTimeout(function() { expect(Math.round(map.getCenter().lat)).to.eql(51); expect(Math.round(map.getCenter().lng)).to.eql(2); done(); }, 200); }); it('unbinds events when removed', function() { location.hash = ''; var hash = L.hash(map); map.removeControl(hash); map.setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); expect(location.hash)''); }); it('parses a hash', function() { var parsed = L.Hash.parseHash('#13/20/40'); expect(parsed.zoom); expect(; expect({lat: 20, lng: 40}); }); it('formats a hash', function() { map.setView([51, 2], 13); expect(L.Hash.formatHash(map))'#13/51.0000/2.0000'); }); });