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			<h1 style="color:black;font-size:40px;font-family:georgia">Examples of social media <br>analytics projects</h1>
			<p style="color:black;font-size:16px;font-family:georgia">In the context of the question:<br> <b><i>Who benefits from social media analytics?</i></b></p>
				To my knowledge, there is a big market for programming platforms and digital tools that enable <span>data collection and analysis</span>, mainly targeted at private corporations. These tools use the raw material content uploaded by social network users. Apart from private companies, the state is also interested in user-generated content and invests large amounts of money in the construction of machines to analyse it. For these purposes, departments of information and social sciences usually set up academic researches, with state funding. Trying to understand who finds these researches useful, I gathered some examples of <span>analyses on the activity of social network users</span>. These examples are very few, in comparison with the extensive amount of activities in this sector. The big data analytics industry is expanding, as one of the new territories for capitalist exploitation. Furthermore, while one would expect this development mostly in the US, Europe, (even Greece), is not lagging behind in these activities, so here are some examples from my knowledge.  
				The company <span>“Visibrain”</span> runs a social media monitoring platform that specialises in Twitter analytics. It targets companies and organisations which aim to draw conclusions from online social traffic, by providing analysis packages starting from 400 euros per month for 50 thousand tweets, up to 2000 euros per month for 1 million tweets. The company's clientele includes the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, the French Ministry of Education and the French High Committee for Civil Defence (HCFDC), a think tank for research and analysis of global security issues and new solutions for a "sustainable society". Companies from many fields (technology, telecoms, marketing, pharmaceutical, banking, automotive, consulting, and many more) are also clients of this platform. 
				The Centre for Research & Technology Hellas, (CERTH) operates the <span>Multimedia Knowledge & Social Media Analytics Lab</span>, which develops social network monitoring and analysis applications and conducts research on European projects. According to information from its official website, the National Centre for Research and Technology (CERTH) was established in 2000 and is a non-profit legal entity of private law (NPO) supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion. <span>CERTH</span> has participated in more than 1,000 research projects (with a total budget that exceeds €423 million 1,100 international partnerships) funded by the European Union, major foreign industries (Europe, Asia and the Americas) and the Greek government of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology. The website of this Lab presents the directions of its research activity. Here are some of these directions, as an insight into how organisations behind networking devices relate to the subject of collecting and analysing data. 

				Greek universities are developing similar activities and collaborate with other European organisations to carry out projects of a similar nature. Such a project coordinated by CERTH is the SocialSensor</span>, funded by the European Union with 9,639,593 euros, of which CERTH received 1,341,526 euros. The description of the project “SocialSensor” from the website of the Institute of Information Technology and Communications of CERTH is the following: 
				“Social media applications have become a modern reality affecting a growing part of the population, as well as companies and public organisations. For example, Twitter messages played an essential role in the recent political developments in Arab countries, while Flickr and YouTube are rich images and video collections based exclusively on user contributions and around 30 billion content items (links, photo albums, status updates) are posted on Facebook every month. It becomes clear that much of what happens in the real-world is documented in real time by the millions of social network users that upload content, interact with each other, and give feedback (rate, comment) on already published online content...” 
				The <span>SocialSensor</span> project resulted in 130 publications, and two spin-off companies. The developed tools are used by a large number of corporations, government agencies and academic institutions. Research in the same field seems to be continuing in following projects, such as “REVEAL”, a project to advance the necessary technologies for making a higher level analysis of social media possible. It aims at enabling users to reveal hidden ‘modalities’ such as reputation, influence or credibility of information. The project (with a total budget of €6,925,004), includes participants such as Demokritos Research Centre and Athens Technology Centre S.A., in addition to CERTH. 
				<b>“TRILLION:<br> TRUTH, CITIZEN - LEA coILaboratION over sOcial Networks”</b><br>
				In the context of the European funding programme Horizon H2020, CERTH participates in the project “<span>TRILLION</span>: TRUTH, CITIZEN - LEA coILaboratION over sOcial Networks”, which began in September 2015: 
				“Community policing promotes the implementation of bi-directional collaboration channels between citizens and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). By enhancing the discovery of relevant and up to date information, it speeds up the detection of risks, eases their prevention and builds a continuum of collaboration which motivates citizens and LEAs to work together… The operational environment of the platform is not limited to an on-going crisis, but also extends to the period before it through early identification and prevention of emerging risks...” 
				The European Commission’s website on the subject of the TRILLION project: 
				“To this end, the proposed research should also take into account the virtual dimension of “community policing” (i.e. the interaction between citizens and police officers through social networking websites) and analyse its underlying social-cultural legal and ethical dimensions.”
				<b>Some thoughts...</b><br>
				The lesson to be learned from this story is to be aware of where taxes and revenues of the state go, taxes that labour is paying to the European states. It is quite revealing to realise that first, we offer our own experience in data format, and then it can be analysed, with the financial aid of direct and indirect taxation. It seems that we are investing quite some money in projects which develop <span>tools for monitoring, controlling, and mass-managing citizens</span>.

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				<h3 style="color:black;">
					The applied methods for emotion recognition and analysis (also known as mining), intend to identify associations and trends in individual communities, to observe consumer habits, to categorise users, to detect unusual behaviours and events or to anticipate social movements and reactions.

		    <div class="comment">
		    	<a href="chapter7.html"><h3 style="color:#ea2709;">Visit the brown room to read my thoughts, wondering, if social media analytics is another word for massive stalking.</h3></a>

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				<h3 style="color:black;">
		    		Visibrain customers
		    	<iframe id="frame2" src="https://www.visibrain.com/en/customers/" height="200" width="100%" style="border:none;"></iframe>
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		    	<h3 style="color:black;">
		    		MKLab Research
		    	<iframe id="frame2" src="https://mklab.iti.gr/research/" height="200" width="100%" style="border:none;"></iframe>
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		    	<h3 style="color:black;"><a href="https://www.certh.gr/root.en.aspx">CERTH</a>
		    	<h3 style="color:black;">
		    		The Greek national Center for Research and Technology (CERTH) was established in 2000 and is a non-profit legal entity of private law (NPO) supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of the Ministry Education, Research and Religion. CERTH has participated in more than 1,000 research projects (with a total budget of more than € 423 million and more than 1,100 international partnerships) funded by the European Union, major foreign industries (Europe, Asia and the Americas) and the Greek government of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
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		    	<h3 style="color:black;"><a href="https://www.iti.gr/iti/projects/SocialSensor.html">SocialSensor Consortium</a>
		    	<h3 style="color:black;">
		    		It is interesting to see which companies, universities, and research institutions also participated in SocialSensor: Yahoo Iberia SL (Spain), IBM - Science and Technolgy LTD (Israel), Alcatel - Lucent Bell Labs (France), Deutsche Welle (Germany), University of Klagenfurt (Austria), University of Koblenz-Landau (Germany), The City University London (United Kingdom), Athens Technology Center SA (Greece), German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (Germany), JCP-Consult SAS (France)
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		    	<h3 style="color:black;"><a href="https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/194841/factsheet/en">TRILLION</a>: Objective
		    		<div style="line-height:50%;"><br></div>
		    	<h3 style="color:black;"><a href="https://cordis.europa.eu/programme/rcn/666332/en">TRILLION</a>: Ethical and Societal Dimension - Enhancing cooperation between law enforcement agencies and citizens - Community policing

		    <div class="comment">
		    	<a href="chapter7.html"><h3 style="color:#ea2709;">Visit the rotten apple room to read about case studies where such tools are used.</h3></a>
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