Welcome to my home. It’s my pleasure to offer you some questions about (social) networks. <br>Here, you are at the starting point, where you can see 26 questions, which correspond to 26 doors.<divstyle="line-height:50%;"><br></div>
You can open a door by clicking on a colourful question, though the <b><spanstyle="color:grey;">grey</span></b> ones are still locked.<br>(Apologies, the place is under construction.) Opening a <b><spanstyle="color:#ec380b;">red door</span></b> will guide you to a different room of <i>this house</i>, while a <b><spanstyle="color:#007872;">green door</span></b>, will lead you to one of <i>my neighbour’s homes</i>.<divstyle="line-height:50%;"><br></div>
Most of the questions came to my mind after the day of our <i>Infrastructour</i>. Generally, they relate to broader social aspects around analogue and digital networks. Trying to respond to them, I started writing small texts to express what led me to these questions, also my thoughts, feelings and memories that came after them. My texts are not finished answers and do not speak only in one voice. I often contradict or doubt myself, which is something I usually do when I write; I find it useful when trying to approach an answer.<divstyle="line-height:50%;"><br></div>
There is not one way to navigate through the rooms; you can visit them out of order. Sometimes there are doors from one room to another. Please feel free to walk around, stay in each place as long as you wish, and come back to this starting point, when lost!<divstyle="line-height:50%;"><br></div>
May your journey begin!
function shuffle(a) {
for(let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]];
return a;
const messages = shuffle([
{ text: "What are the dependencies in a self-hosted network?", cssClass: "green", link: "http://sweetandsour.chickenkiller.com"},
{ text: "Why do people move to decentralised social networks?", cssClass: "green", link: "http://richfolks.club/"},
{ text: "What is network(ed) publishing?", cssClass: "green", link: "http://foshan-1992.pw/~biyi/index"},
{ text: "How fragile is a self-hosted network?", cssClass: "green", link: "http://nothat.bad.mn/"},
{ text: "What could a network look like?", cssClass: "green", link: "http://b-e-e-t.r-o-o-t.net/pages/beetroot_to_ciao.html"},
{ text: "How do people use networks to create visual collaborations?", cssClass: "green", link: "http://p.lions.es/"},
{ text: "How does scale affect the way we perceive networks?", cssClass: "green", link: "http://ciao.urca.tv"},
{ text:"Can decentralised web have an impact beyond geeks & social web enthusiasts?", cssClass: "grey"},
{ text:"How important is to choose, or create our media of communication?", cssClass: "grey"},
{ text:"Is decentralisation a panacea, or a pharmakon?", cssClass: "grey"},