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original => Outlook Not So Good
original => My Reply Is No
original => Don't Count On It
original => You May Rely On It
original => Ask Again Later
original => Most Likely
original => Cannot Predict Now
original => Yes
original => Yes Definitely
original => Better Not Tell You Now
original => It Is Certain
original => Very Doubtful
original => It Is Decidedly So
original => Concentrate and Ask Again
original => Signs Point to Yes
original => My Sources Say No
original => Without a Doubt
original => Reply Hazy, Try Again
original => As I See It, Yes
sarcastic => NOT
sarcastic => What do YOU think
sarcastic => Obviously
sarcastic => Ask me if I care
sarcastic => Yeah, and I'm the Pope
sarcastic => That's ridiculous
sarcastic => Who cares
sarcastic => Forget about it
sarcastic => You wish
sarcastic => Yeah, right
sarcastic => Sure
sarcastic => Get a clue
sarcastic => In your dreams
sarcastic => Oh, please
sarcastic => Whatever
sarcastic => As if
sarcastic => You've got to be kidding
sarcastic => Dumb question. Ask another
sarcastic => Not a chance
userdef => Outlook Sucks
userdef => Bugger Off
userdef => How appropriate, you fight like a cow
userdef => Eat more cheese, then ask again
userdef => When hell freezes over