You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

180 lines
4.5 KiB

# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo (c) 1997
sub update {
my($lhs, $verb, $rhs) = @_;
my($reply) = $lhs;
$lhs =~ s/^\s*=?//; # handle dcc =oznoid and stuff
$lhs =~ s/^i (heard|think) //i;
$lhs =~ s/^some(one|1|body) said //i;
$lhs =~ s/ +/ /g;
# this really needs cleaning up
if ($verb eq "is") {
$also = ($rhs =~ s/^also //i);
my $also_or = ($also and $rhs =~ s/\s*\|\s*//);
if ($exists = &get("is", $lhs)) {
chomp $exists;
if ($exists eq $rhs and not $main::googling) {
if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
&performSay("i already had it that way, $who.");
} else {
&msg($who, "it already was $rhs");
return 'NOREPLY';
$skipReply = 0;
if ($also) {
if ($also_or) {
$rhs = $exists . '|'.$rhs;
} else {
if ($exists ne $rhs) {
$rhs = $exists .' or '.$rhs;
if (length($rhs) > getparam('maxDataSize')) {
if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
if ($addressed) {
if (rand() > 0.5) {
&performSay("that is too long, ".$who);
} else {
&performSay("i'm sorry, but that's too long, $who");
} else {
&msg($who, "The text is too long");
return 'NOREPLY';
if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
&performSay("okay, $who.");
} else {
&msg($who, "okay.");
&status("update: <$who> \'$lhs =is=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
&set("is", $lhs, $rhs);
} else { # not "also"
if (($correction_plausible == 0) && ($exists ne $rhs)) {
if ($addressed) {
if (not $main::googling) {
if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
&performSay("...but $lhs is $exists...");
} else {
&msg($who, "...but $lhs is $exists..");
&status("FAILED update: <$who> \'$lhs =$verb=> $rhs\'");
} else {
&status("FAILED update: <$who> \'$lhs =$verb=> $rhs\' (not addressed, no reply)");
# we were not addressed, so just
# ignore it.
return 'NOREPLY';
} else {
if (IsFlag("m") ne "m") {
performReply("You have no access to change factoids");
return 'NOREPLY';
if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
&performSay("okay, $who.");
} else {
&msg($who, "okay.");
&status("update: <$who> '$lhs =is=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
&set("is", $lhs, $rhs);
$reply = 'NOREPLY';
} else {
&status("enter: <$who> $lhs =$verb=> $rhs");
$updateCount++; $factoidCount++;
if ($factoidCount == 31337) { # particular count
$mySaveChannel = &channel();
&say("That would be factoid $factoidCount given on $mySaveChannel by $who.");
&status("FACTOID NUMBER $factoidCount on channel $mySaveChannel by $who.");
&set("is", $lhs, $rhs);
} else { # 'is' failed
if ($verb eq "are") {
$also = ($rhs =~ s/^also //i);
if ($exists = &get("are", $lhs)) {
if ($also) {
if ($exists ne $rhs) {
$rhs = $exists .' or '.$rhs;
if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
&performSay("okay, $who.") unless $rhs eq $exists;
} else {
&msg($who, "okay.");
&status("update: <$who> \'$lhs =are=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
&set("are", $lhs, $rhs);
} else { # not 'also'
if (($correction_plausible == 0) && ($exists ne $rhs)) {
if ($addressed) {
&status("FAILED update: \'$lhs =$verb=> $rhs\'");
if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
&performSay("...but $lhs is $exists...");
} else {
&msg($who, "...but $lhs is $exists..");
} else {
&status("FAILED update: $lhs $verb $rhs (not addressed, no reply)");
# we were not addressed, so just
# ignore it.
return 'NOREPLY';
if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
&performSay("...but $lhs are $exists...");
} else {
&msg($who, "...but $lhs are $exists...");
} else {
if ($msgType =~ /public/) {
&performSay("okay, $who.") unless $rhs eq $exists;
} else {
&msg($who, "okay.")
unless grep $_ eq $who, split /\s+/, $param{friendlyBots};
&status("update: <$who> \'$lhs =are=> $rhs\'; was \'$exists\'");
&set("are", $lhs, $rhs);
$reply = 'NOREPLY';
} else {
&status("enter: <$who> $lhs =are=> $rhs");
&set("are", $lhs, $rhs);
$lhs .= " $verb $rhs";
if ($reply ne 'NOREPLY') {
$reply = $lhs;
return $reply;
# ---